Charles M. Hagmaier

Half the things we were told about Berlin's daughter were from the mouths of characters we *shouldn't* be taking at face value, but as for the photo and speaking Russian - I have no earthly idea. How old was Liz at the time of the fire? The photo was sent at some indeterminate period of time after Berlin's

Looking back, they played the same insinuating fan-dance as always, hinting at it but never actually saying it, and leaving just enough leeway to make room for some other outlandish possibility.

I think you mean "Real PO-lice", if you're trying to quote The Wire.

Ah? I should probably push through the block on the episode before that, then. Felicity was geeking out over Suicide Squad tech, and it was just so utterly Ugh! that I just went and did something else. I got through a lot of the tenth season of Smallville by leaving the sound on and doing something else with it

De gustibus non est disputandum I suppose. I kind of liked the first season of Arrow, and I've been putting up with it this season until episode before last, but damn, I just hit a wall and went "nope" in the middle of the episode. First they put Sara on a bus, and then the rest of it… the whole Ollie-Slade dynamic

They refuse to pull the trigger, which is the worst part of the episode. Withholding the obvious isn't nearly as interesting as they seem to think. (Spoiler, if you care)

Yeah, I'm afraid so. At this point in the script, the writers' room must have been a drunken shambles of incoherence and regret.

Yeah, I'm throwing the bullshit flag. Don't review the show if you A) can't stand it and B) can't be assed to do more than bungee-cord in every ten episodes or so.

I watch it in DVD form. It's not terrible, and I kind of like the family dinners, it's something different in the police procedural genre. What *is* a problem is that they've fallen into the lazy "New York has one precinct and twenty cops" situation in which everybody has something to do with the case of the week in

I'm not sure how much actually going to trial costs in the world of TGW. Are we talking five figures, or six? Given that Alicia was willing to do 140k without blinking, I'm guessing it's closer to the mid-six figures.

For the same reason they don't do much with Cary - the tertiary characters lose out when their associated secondary characters get sidelined. Personally, I couldn't stand Geneva Pine, but mostly because they never gave her any depth. She was like Wendy Scott Carr without the gravitas, family life, or moral arc. She

Not an especially novel one, though. I liked the Grisham burn better, esp. in the context of a law practice procedural.

Damn, you're right. Just my brain trying to write Harris Wofford out of the historical record?

With the politician of the same name wandering around it's going to cause confusion. Esp. since "objectivist" is available and unencumbered..

You're thinking of that Carnihan in Missouri where the wife took over a re-election campaign when her husband died on the campaign trail. I think it only worked because her husband was a senator, not a governor, and the governor appointed her to the seat when they won the election with a dead man. The Senate has a

Well, love isn't a reward for good behavior.

We haven't really seen Hecht in action yet, she's mostly been a sounding board, there to give actual characters an opportunity to look desperate, foolish, vicious or conniving. She's been a tool for revealing character in others, not a character in herself as of yet. It would be interesting if they explored why

There's a word for Rand fans: objectivist. They're sort-of libertarian, and there's a good deal of overlap between the two - mostly because libertarianism is a "movement" of perverse individualism of the "two participants, three opinions" variety. But there can't be that many actual objectivists out there in Middle

I love Elsbeth, but I can't imagine why a professional with pretensions and ambition would ever partner up with her. She's a whirling dervish of chaos and cuteness, which makes for good TV, but a trainwreck of an office.

Old bulls like Peter pick on interns because really - can you see him in a bar picking up somebody age-appropriate? He's in a bubble of lobbyists and political sharks and journalists. The journalists will make him preposterous, the sharks will eat his lunch, and the lobbyists will put him back in jail.