John Doey

Definitely not.

This was the first episode of Girls I had seen after having avoided the show like the plague due to what had been written about it and Dunham's public persona and I absolutely loved it. The last 10 minutes after Hannah passes out in the shower/steam room and starts spewing the most incoherent, self indulgent, dreck on

A complete bore? Nonsense.

That guy deserves the catherine wheel.

That guy deserves the catherine wheel.

That guy is a douchebag of the highest order and towers over gawker's douchery.

That guy is a douchebag of the highest order and towers over gawker's douchery.

Fucking douchebag. he pulled his twitter, his personal website and is now crying like a baby that his rights have been violated by Gawker over the video too. That scumbag deserves no quarter and no mercy. hopefully his employers will throw him in the street next to the people he crudely mocked.

Fucking douchebag. he pulled his twitter, his personal website and is now crying like a baby that his rights have been violated by Gawker over the video too. That scumbag deserves no quarter and no mercy. hopefully his employers will throw him in the street next to the people he crudely mocked.