
If I can fool you into legally giving me a $20M contract on the strength of my name, I would absolutely do it.  This is just capitalism, no one forced you to hand over that deal.

Wanna hear a joke?

The fact that there’s basically no way that Harry and Meghan could possibly produce interesting content means its pretty much entirely Spotify’s fault that they offered that much money to them without hammering out more concrete terms about how much content they would actually be producing. It’s not a surprise to

They worked for decades to make people dumber, angrier, and easier to manipulate. Then along comes Donny and says “thank you very much, I’ll take that mob, make it even dumber and angrier, and ride it to power.” It has completely fucked them (and the country) up for a long time to come.  Now they are in so deep they

I think Ron getting crushed by Trump is weirdly satisfying because it’s fun to see the GOP try and fail to contain the Trump monster they’ve abetted for years.

The Brooklyn Museum has been a sad place for years now.

What Gadsby did was give the audience permission—moral permission—to turn their backs on what challenged them, and to ennoble a preference for comfort and kitsch,” Farago writes of Nanette”

“It’s about ethics in [movie] journalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!111!!!!!1!11"

I just assumed it got cancelled because the finale will be 517 minutes long and that won’t leave time for a Q&A

Exactly. Tell me you weren’t born yet in 1982 without telling me you weren’t born yet in 1982.


Also, We’re the Millers is one of the funniest comedies of the 2010's (especially the unrated version).  It’s on basic cable pretty consistently as well.

I paused halfway through the slideshow to say the same thing. This movie is about as far from forgotten as a 90s action flick can get. “Should have been better”?? In what way? It’s ridiculous in all the right ways.

This just seems like a kind of random list of movies.  Nobody forgot Con Air.

Nobody remembers Con Air?

I get why most of the movies on this list are forgotten. But “Con Air” is one of those movies I personally find very rewatchable... I guess it’s a guilty pleasure, but it also seems pretty ubiquitous on streaming platforms and cable TV and seems to have become part of the pop culture zeitgeist.

I too am in the “Seinfeld finale is not terrible” camp, and I watched it live.

People were just mad it ended, but I do agree with a different poster that it essentially wound up being a clip show in many ways.  But it was fun seeing all their chickens come home to roost and in many ways, it’s very “No Exit” ending of

Yeah, the idea of putting Seinfeld as number two between Dexter and How I Met Your Mother doesn’t sit right.

always love having an opportunity to bring up that he had a text relationship with a friend of mine and would steal her jokes from the texts for his podcast. just a class act top to bottom.

Considering certain people have taken to throwing around the word “groomer” as an insult, I thought I’d point out that this is actually what grooming looks like. Grooming is not something that happens to child watching a dude in drag read a book for a few minutes. It’s persistent, it’s intimate, and it’s usually coerce