Incorrect. Me and the Mrs. are early 50s, and we love original recipe L&O, especially with Lenny.
Incorrect. Me and the Mrs. are early 50s, and we love original recipe L&O, especially with Lenny.
I hope every episode is Sam Watterson trying to figure out which robot murdered an old person to steal their medicine, and nothing else.
Honestly, I think there’s some “a rising tide lifts all boats” thinking going on here. Good superhero films make people excited about superhero films. Bad superhero films feed fatigue for the genre. I’m guessing it’s only diehard fans of each company who care about the difference between DC and Marvel; there’s…
No doubt the DC brass are keen to avoid another mustache incident.
I am happy to accept Superman’s poop fetish as canon. I mean, he has sex with humans, who are a different species. Of COURSE he’s into some freaky shit. If Martha knew only the half of it, she would be so ashamed…
It feels weird to say, but I do kinda like it when the multinational global corporate entities can be cool with each other from time to time, trading favors for low-impact stuff like this.
The Snyder Cult really doesn’t have any sense of media literacy...
Reacher. They are both big, competent fighters, and both are intelligent (though Reacher is probably smarter). Peacemaker’s immaturity and fragile ego, however, is something Reacher would be able to immediately see and exploit. He’d either distract Peacemaker, lead him to make a mistake out of bravado, or even simply…
Everything NBC does to show the Olympics is the wrong decision. If there’s a choice to make, and one can be right and the other wrong, then NBC can be counted on to make the wrong one.
Consider this your periodic reminder that Kanye tried to help Donald Trump get reelected, to the point of allowing some shady shenanigans done in his name. I don’t know why nobody seems to remember or care
the faith movie mill doesn’t make movies, they make content directly marketed towards people to for the purpose of affirmation
I wish they would stop trying to “modernize” the Oscars or whatever it is they’ve been doing the past few years to try to bring in new viewers. It’s never going to happen. Seth Rogen is right in the sense that you’re not going to make people who don’t care about the Oscars care. But for the people who do care — or at…
Bad Luck and Trouble is such a great choice for a possible second season. I can already imagine the first episode’s cold open based on the novel’s opening.
Odd that Dune didn’t get a best director nom.
Man, I know French Dispatch is one of Anderson's more divisive movies, but I was hoping it would get at least a screenplay nod or something.
Neagley sticks around. From memory she’s one of only two characters who appear in several books.
Well deserved - I get the complaints that the show is cliche. But it was also a blast. Ritchson is great in the lead role and watching him use his frame in action scenes is a lot of fun. The supporting cast was great too (sad that most will likely be dropped given they’re not in other books). And the story was…
i was in high school when the first ice age came out and my girlfriend and i saw it on a date. it was fine, but it gave me one of my all-time favorite movie memories:
They should have made her more like the actor and had Miranda lose a bid for political office.
“especially since a controversy rose up surrounding a Snow White ride at Disneyland simply because it retold the exact plot of the movie”