
I love how every article about this sort of topic turns the site into a contest to see if our comment section can be more socially conservative even than Jalopnik’s.

I have a theory regarding Meghan’s so-called “bullying” of the staff: Meghan had and showed them boundaries.

Yes. I love seeing movies in theaters. I take your point about popcorn prices, but that won’t keep me away. Unless the popcorn is filled with disease.

I read your comment in Statler’s voice and that made it twice as funny.

Focusing on the relatively unknown cyborg could make sense... if it was the first film in the series and he’s sort of an audience surrogate introducing us to the rest of the world. It’s odder when your movie is already with crowded with people who’ve been in previous movies of that “universe”.

I feel like this lays bare a lot of the foolishness with this whole fiasco on Fisher’s part:

After his last allegation of racism turned out to be an effort to match the lighting from the Snyder production with that of the Whedon production, I just don’t find him credible on this topic any more.

Could we just cancel the Mike Myers movie? Please?

Yes and all of his most famous works will now disappear. All we are left with is second-tier nonsense. The real classics, on the other hand, are forever gone. All of them. This definitely isn’t the first time I’ve ever heard of the works listed in the above article.

I actually own 3 of those books (Mulberry Street and McElligot’s Pool I bought recently, If I ran the Zoo is one from my childhood collection). My wife was wondering why they didn’t just edit those books. Looking them over, Zoo just has one or two fairly racist depictions but nothing in the text which would be easier

This is great news for right-wing media segment producers looking to pad out a lean schedule.

More than that, it sets up the excuse for JL to be lame. “Of course, it’s not very good. You can’t judge it on its own, it’ll make sense when completed by the sequel. I have yet to release the full length of my vision.

He should do a Duke Nukem movie next.

Don K, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what Snyder Fans want.

As one of the few human beings on Earth who kind-of liked Cats? I completely agree with your take on the SynderCut.

Haven’t been this anxious to hate watch a movie since “Cats”. 

He’s been allowed to expand the movie to 4 hours, but nevertheless it ends on a cliffhanger. that’s just perfect lol

As much as i love Darcy/Kat Dennings, i would love it if the final episode post credit scene is just her, still sitting at the traffic lights, waiting...

I coukd be wrong , but one of those protective sigel/hex things in the basement looked like an M .?

“But what is grief if not love persevering?" What a sad, beautiful way to sum up what Wanda and Monica have both been working through in the series.