To me, the “losers” comment was just on the wrong side of dickish.
To me, the “losers” comment was just on the wrong side of dickish.
Compare this with that ridiculous bit at the end of ASM2 with the Rhino in his mech suit and the kid standing up to him. Some might see this as an awesome moment, but let’s be real here: even without the suit, Rhino could turn the kid into a human stain. And no one in the assembled crowd pulls the kid to safety or…
The Harley Quinn show, which has really grown on me. I particularly love Tony Hale as Dr. Psycho. I discovered that HBOMax has EVERY. SINGLE. Looney Tunes season!! My son was cracking up during “Duck Amuck”, “Wabbit Seasoning” and “DUCK DODGERS IN THE 24TH AND A HALF CENTURY!”?
I still don’t get the gall of Hannity and Tucker Carlson trying to paint themselves as the champions of the everyman, because Cooper’s mom was a Vanderbilt. Carlson is heir to the Swanson frozen food empire, which basically makes him the Vanderbilt of the Florida panhandle.
I checked out Bob’s Burgers initially because I really liked the character designs, and I have been consistently delighted by how unique ever new character introduced ends up looking. They aren’t your standard ugly adult animation designs. There’s a warmth to them, which helps endear me almost immediately, and I’ve…
The craziest thing is that the basic plot of Spider-Man 2 had been done in previous movies (Superman 2, Batman Forever) without it ever working as well or as clearly. The thing in both of those movies is that Superman and Batman wind up (briefly) quitting in hopes of a reward—a “normal” life with a woman—before…
The second film delves into this pathos even better; it gives Peter Parker great reasons to quit being Spider-man, but he also has to live with the guilt of knowing his absence as Spider-man costs innocent people of their lives. They are explicitly about one of the great moral lessons; to quietly do the right thing.…
Community’s was strong, if not earth-shattering. HIMYM’s did a good job setting up its (ultimately horrifically botched) premise. I don’t recall anything particularly objectionable about B99's pilot, but I also wouldn’t be able to tell you what happened in it, and I do remember Jake being pretty insufferable until…
Great summary. The only thing I’d add is that one of the nice twists of Raimi’s version is that Ben dies because he’s carjacked after coming to drive Peter home (in the comics, it’s an unrelated home invasion that stretches credulity a bit), and that Peter isn’t generally speaking a dick throughout the movie (unlike…
The Sam Raimi Spider-man films were cheesy as hell (certainly in comparison to the Marc Webb films) but unlike the latter, Raimi’s films had teeth.
Had the protesters been “Libtards,” half of them would’ve been arrested and/or shot by now. The Capitol Police is no different than your average police department.
I expected Disney to squash it. I’m so happy that they actually didn’t.
When I last counted there were 3 nominees and 2 winners plus a variety of Emmys and Grammys.
Titus Andromedon playing Remy in an off-off-off-Broadway Zoom musical adaptation of Ratatouille is 100% a Kimmy Schmidt plotline.
It’s for sure impeachable conduct, almost surely illegal, and absolutely nothing will happen, at least not in the next couple weeks.
That is without a doubt exactly what’s going to happen. It will suck and anyone who made their identity supporting it is going to claim there was interference and that it’s not the real Snyder Cut people demanded. This is absolutely going to happen you psychic. There is utterly no way the rabid fans will except a poor…
I believe he has grievances but since he has refused to say what they are I have no opinion about how justified they are.
To be clear, Joivan Wade who portrays Cyborg on Doom Patrol is much better. Just bring him in.
Just, please gods, make DC create a Superman movie that actually likes Superman.