
No premium charge. It’s just coming straight to Disney+

Oof, bad year for Pixar, first Onward comes out just in time for the lockdown, now this won’t even make it to theaters. Gonna watch it, of course, and such a shame that I won’t be seeing it in a theater.

Yeah, the set up is pretty cliche but the execution is phenomenal. It’s genuinely one of the most feel-good shows I’ve ever seen. 

Classic fish out of water story - rich people lose everything and moved to little redneck town. Hilarity ensues. Yet, it’s more than that. The characters develop over time into these deeply weird, lovable people whom you enjoy seeing succeed. There’s tons of layers, references and aesthetic world building. It’s very

happens every day. classic desi robot man dick move

India is super repressive in a lot of things. I remember a movie I saw a few years ago where a superhero(who was a robot man) saved a woman in her shower from a burning building and she was naked. When he got her in safe ground she realized she was naked and was so mad and embarrassed by it that she ran in front of

I’ve lived in L.A. all my life (including five years in West Hollywood), and I sometimes forget that there are entire countries that are just terrified of gay people.

what are they planning to do after that, censor entire seasons?

A TV really isn’t big enough to appreciate the the climactic scene where Timothee Chalamet opens a series of portals and brings through dozens of characters from earlier Woody Allen movies to fight Liev Schreiber. 

I’m an avowed pacifist and even I want to punch that name to the fuckin moon.

restless, quirky Gatsby Welles

Luke and Lorelai being on hold was... Really sad.

Like, you guys are just now talking about having a kid? You’ve just lived together for 10 years and didn’t talk? At all?

Oh well, time for a musical scene that takes up any time you were hoping would be spent on character development. 

Surely you aren’t arguing that her college boyfriend’s frat brothers showing up in her hometown and elaborately surprising her (completely with a robotic talking bird) more than a decade after she’d last seen them simply because she’s feeling a bit down is somehow an unreasonable plot development???

I think the Palledino’s have this issue where they create characters that are so evidently charming from a pure personality standpoint that they forget they still have to manage how that character interacts with others. It happens a few times with the fights that Lorelai gets into with her mom, where she’s being

The real tragedy of the 2016 Gilmore Girls revival is that Mitchum Huntzberger was right about Rory.

I feel like the Palladinos just took whatever they had planned for season 7 before they quit and used it for the revival. Rory’s arc would make more sense if she was fresh out of college and realizing that the world isn’t going to cater to her. The same goes for Lorelai and Luke - they’ve been in a holding pattern for

I say, on this basis, this is not the right show for you. I watched the whole series and enjoyed much of it (Luke and Lorelai, Rory and Lorelai’s rapport, the complicated relationship between Lorelai and her mother) but the town stuff can be cloying at times, and the rich-grandparent element you mention only gets

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Those lazy “politicians, amirite?” jokes always remind me of the DJ 3000 from The Simpsons. Basically The Simpsons were mocking that sort of nondescript “political humor” twenty-five years ago. And yet comedians can’t help themselves. 

Regarding the Republicans. When they say something like Obamacare not working, and then gut it to prove themselves right, it’s like saying a car has a problem overheating and then taking out the radiator to show you are correct.

Talking shit about ReBoot.