
That’s just the money they would have paid if they didn’t implement their own IAP option in the app. It isn’t damages or a punitive award or anything like that.

Him just simply saying why he was banned would, in no way shape or form, affect his potential lawsuit against Twitch.

Yeah because fantasy elves and thicc dragon ladies don't exist in real life...

Not many, because that’s not the target audience. The target audience enjoys seeing attractive fantasy ladies.

There are plenty of available choices for both options. You are only limited to your available transmogs.

I didn’t believe it was a serious question then, and even with the lawsuit, I still don’t believe it was a serious question now.

I sincerely don’t understand the voracious hype over the rehashed SportTrac 2.0

Farewell Jades, you won't be missed. At least not by me. Will be nice to not have to deal with them anymore. I imagine its a nightmare for anyone with less than stellar hardware.

About two and a half grand too much. There is no way this is worth $6.5k, it’s obvious that there were drugs involved when that figure was decided upon. Realistically even $4k is asking too much, imo.

Data caps? You mean those things that competition from multiple different wireless companies rendered untenable and effectively made a thing of the past at the consumers discretion?

Except its not just consumers that benefit. Thousands of other small companies and dev teams will benefit from an Epic win here. A win for Epic is a win for everyone on the planet that uses or develops for Apple products; Apple excluded.

Every time I think that I’ve seen the greatest that Apple bootlicking can offer, someone really out does the previous best.

That it’s not very good to start with would be my guess. They have a lot of good things on their menu, but the chicken sandwich is not one of them. Thin, limp, weak breading. It’s an incredibly poor showing in today’s whole chicken breast filet sandwich world.

I think the idea is cool, but because its Google, I can’t justify investing in it. As soon as it gets popular and in a good place, they’ll shut it down and everyone will lose access to their games.

Artificial outrage temporarily generated for the sake of writing an article, I get it. Need to get those clicks to eat.

Consider me out of the loop, but was crack pipe deemed to be racially offensive and that’s why its no dice now?

Didn’t realize Loremaster was an achievement that was given out for free to new characters.

>people will still default to making what’s comfortable and familiar: themselves.

Constant reading these posts from people with a need to be woke is just so incredibly tiring. It is so very exhausting reading this drivel day in and day out.

I saw the movie, it was cheesy but still enjoyable. The drama certain types are trying to drum up over it are completely overblown. Just give it a rest already.

Please, get real. Don’t even attempt to suggest those are the same thing, because its not even close. In China they black bag you and then you get tossed in a ditch and executed, no trial, no jury, no conviction. Just the cops, a ditch, and a bullet to the back of your head.