
Don’t personally feel like US businesses should be fronts for shoveling money to the CCP, but yet, that’s the world we live in.

Not sure why you’re so uncomfortable about this. Seems weird to me. I couldn’t even begin to count how many times I was pooping while doing something on my phone, playing on my switch, and before that my 3ds, and the ds/gba before that. Why would you be ashamed to poop? My wife and I frequently don’t even close the

They should DEFINITELY bring these here so they can sell five of them a year. Seems like a smart business decision to me.

Heat water to boiling, place eggs in water. Boil for exactly six and a half minutes. Any less and the whites will be runny, any more and the yolk will start to solidify beyond what you're expecting. Remove from water and immediately place on a cold water bath to stop further cooking. When cool enough to handle, peel,

I would just like to point out that this is factually incorrect. More sidewall doesn’t magically make impact force disappear, its all transferred into the car eventually, regardless of whether you have a XX/5 tire or a XX/100 tire. All more sidewall does is increase the amount of time it takes for the impact to be

“I back up my rage and anger with facts and documented sources.” ~The Credible Hulk, Vol 1

I don’t spoil my malamute too much, mainly because since she isn’t sledding her way through a frozen tundra on a daily basis, I don’t want her to have weight problems... BUT I do get her an ice cream cone in a cup from McDonald’s after trips to the dog park. She really enjoys them. I'd say 99% percent of her diet is

Everyone is entitled to their own, incorrect, opinions.

I have a hard time believing people are this stupid. I am however fully willing to believe that they simply don’t care about the credit hit. Especially considering they are probably putting their overly expensive vehicle on a seven year loan.

Difference is that very few people are flat out buying $700+ phones. They are financing them over 24/36 months so the real cost, while there, is greatly disguised. To consumers, these phones don’t cost $1,000.. they cost $42 a month. Is there a difference? Functionally, no, but psychologically absolutely yes.

Im assuming ActiBlizzard saw the positive press they were getting and immediately did the first thing they could to destroy it. No other real explanation.

Wow, it’s almost like you’ve described every gay scene added into a major studio film intended for wide release except for Brokeback Mountain, where the LGBTQRJEIRVJWNXHIAIPJW+×# elements were pertinent to the story.

I’m honestly stunned that there is someone out there able to write so many words about something that is ultimately meaningless in every way.

If people want to drink themselves to death, by all means, have at it. If they want to shoot a speedball directly into their aorta, why should I care?

The bad news, of course, is that Boost Mobile is unfortunately still owned by Sprint.”

I’m looking forward to the movie.

Nope, you can decline any ride you want for any reason you want.

Unlikely. Personally, out of all the free games that these various platforms have given me, only one has been any good and even worth the download, and that was Pillars of Eternity on twitch. Everything else has been a pile of indy garbage

Wow tell us how you really feel..

Its articles like this that make me embarrassed to admit I’m a gamer. Never seen such a massive collection of individuals with a collective age of approximately 3.