
Multiple his played by ten and that’s roughly what I have put into WoW since 2005. 18,000+ hours is not a unique achievement and certainly it pales in comparison to other people’s played, but that is just what I have personally done.

I don’t really care when or by who it was deemed socially acceptable for leggings and yoga pants to be worn as general daily wear, but bless them.

They’ve been smashing their faces into this brick wall and lighting research funds on fire for the last ten plus years researching these diseases.

Just out of curiosity, do you normally begin email conversations with the combative asshole routine, or is this an anomaly that you reserved for this Pfizer rep?

The most infuriating thing for me personally was WHY ARE THEY SLOWING DOWN WHEN THEY RUN OUT OF FUEL?????

I think a huge part of the problem is that if someone builds a housing complex, it doesnt matter if they charge $500 a month for a unit or $2,500. Someone will rent it.

TL;DR pls simplify and clarify everything to the lowest mouthbreathing window licking denominator.

A scumbag cheater states they aren’t going to play anymore of there is a risk of a lawsuit.

I honestly don’t care who it is that is benefiting from cheat enabling software.

Its absolutely maddening that the arguments against vaccinating amount to “it can cause autism”. First off, no it can’t, and second, even if it could, you’d rather risk letting your kid get fucking polio??? Autism isn’t a death sentence, you can be a perfectly functioning and productive member of society with autism.

I don’t understand the point of these columns. Its there one? It doesn’t seem like it. Just to recap the entire broadcast?

I don’t play fighters, but I’m guessing this is particular opinion is significantly in the minority.

So not at all? Because that’s how much my life changed. Zero.

To be fair, she isn’t exactly wrong. If I was going to get shot, had no choice in the matter, my first preference would be to get shot while in a hospital trauma ward, second would be a church.

I have very serious doubts that Weinstein has that level of sway with multiple federal agencies. Where is the federal blowback against other accusers? This warrant was issued in February, the timing is nothing more than coincidence. Not all warrants are immediately served. Some people have warrants that go back years,

Odds of managing to get that in the engine bay of a ‘13 Chrysler 200?

Flip side is just as accurate, there’s zero to lose, as well.

A roofless 86? Huh, that’s interesting. I was mildly interested in one, but everytime I go to the dealership to look at one, I end up cursing while trying to get in the thing. I’m 190lb and 5'10, so I doubt size is the issue.

It’s slow, 2.5 miles over a minute and a half or so is around 90mph average, and it looks like a kart track. It’s a terrible caricature, a cheap imitation of a road course.

Reading this review had me asking myself “So what’s setting it apart from The Last of Us?”