
After hearing Kenan on WTF I wish he would just end it already. He came off as lazy and not really concerned with crafting anything remotely interesting.

Idol died when Simon and his pithy honesty walked out the door.

You too!!

Creation FTW

See, I always felt like Conan and the nerd humor revolution killed late night, but I loved Craig Kilborn so there you go.

I wiki'd it too, as beer pong wasn't really a thing here (MN / WI) until the late 90s. The drinking games we played mostly revolved around playing cards.

But how can you apologize when you're not actually a walrus??

You walk around like your shit dont stink. Well I've got news for you, your shit does stinkā€¦ it stinks like shit.

Made me think of Costanza coming up with his original fake last name; Corvelay.

After the first episode tonight I found myself yelling OMG JUST GET DIVORCED ALREADY!! Holding Phil to a phoney marriage was killing this thing.

BB King's How Blue Can You Get is amazing live. Absolutely worthy of this list.

'unhh I'm gonna fuggin shoot!' is a fantastic line that creeps out all the ladies i say it to.

Has anyone noticed January Jones is ridiculously good-looking?

I want to take a bath with Marissa!

American Gladiators hellooooo?

Cecily Strong is hot as fuck dressed like a Millenial brat, FYI.

And she can check her eye bags at the door.


If you're a good designer life is good.

They needed room for that marketing dude.