
I just remember my friends hating when I would play their music at parties in college.

She sings with an affect. Similar to Amy Winehouse. The flip side is Billy Joe Armstring and his British punk inflection.

We're still doing the lazy Oasis / Beatles digs? Ok then.

Che killed it this week. Odd episode but I was entertained.

My favorite go-to film quote that NOBODY gets. Alas.

It's like Minaj's PR and management team decided to spam the comments section in an effort to land a hosting gig. She lip synced her songs and flubbed her way through some average lines. I call BS on the love fest.

Michael Che seems like he's legitimately struggling to read his cue cards.

So body shaming is ok as long as it's a skinny white woman. Got it.

Cecily's Fire Marshal Bill was fantastic.
Jost seemed looser and slightly better.
Che still feels forced to me.
Best episode of the season IMO.

"Seth Meyers’ edge" LOLLLLLLLL riiiight.

Always surprised at the hate based on their personalities. That was what made me love them, honestly.

Lotta weird hatred for blondes.

His interviews on Norm MacDonald Live were genuine and interesting.