
Go to barstool. It’s not a bunch of douchebag soyboys who suck each other’s cocks and give rim jobs. It’s about sports. Deadspin is triggered little babies who haven’t left their moms basement.

Funny. We’ve had a “president for the working class” the last 8 yrs. Since then he’s bailed out the auto makers( my plant closed), taxed medical machining(I’m a machinist), and made health insurance premiums explode( mine are up 50%). Yet the President elect gets the blame. Meh. I’m sure Hillary would have done things

As a taxpayer(29%) I feel nothing towards these people bitching about their jobs and how uncomfortable they feel. Guess what, your employer holds a gun to my head and rips money out of my ass every week. Try getting a job in the real world. It sucks. Paying for sub par health care while government employees get the

So what public servants are upset about is that they have to serve the public under an elected president. If you don’t like it, as in the private sector, get another job. Quit. We in the public sector do it all the time. Grow a set of balls, quit your job, and find another one. Doubt there’s a private sector job that

Question. Who gives a shit where billionaires house millionaires on the road?

Yada. Yada.yada. Goddamn. Running like little scared little shits. Yada yada yada. Still won’t vote for the sicknold woman. Yada yada yada

Mackey Sasser wouldn’t have tweeted that. Just sayin

How will this effect D Roses after basketball life.,sitting in meetings with an accused rapist? Hope his knee can handle it.

Hmm. Those gun laws are working great in Chicago. Great job!!!

Love it. Afro American in office.... And CK sees how bad it is for the community. Old BA is doing a bang up job. Good for you CK, stand up and be counted, your brother golfs while blacks and gays are slaughtered around the world

And Hillary took another million from gay killing Muslims. Hmm

Living in Ohio,we have first hand experience in how a Costa run team operates. This idiot screwed an entire team away from Dayton. He a complete fuck up.