
As I just wrote, Egyptians did not consider themselves Arabs until Gamal Abdel Nasser’s pan-Arabism in the late 50's and 60's. And this took many Egyptians by surprise who had considered themselves, until then, as forming a distinct culture mostly unrelated to the Levant. Egypt is a multitude of cultures; it doesn’t

Egypt is in Africa, no?

who gives a fuck how Chrissy chooses to deal with her grief, that’s up to her. if you have the option to hate on her pain or not hate on her pain, just choose not to hate on it.

Still cheaper than a baby or an abortion or even a year of birth control pills

Watching all this from Canada, all I can say is “I’m sorry.”

I know that when I was a youngster, the first thing I did after I got a paycheck from my video-on-demand distribution deal was pay off the renovations to one of my royal family’s homes.

The “made in China” part told us all we need to know about you. Keep it up.

It is amazing to me that no matter how heinous and obvious a crime, there will always be people who insist the perp is innocent because “yeah but yeah but yeah but...”

I mean, after all of the dozens of countries the U.S. has interfered with over the past 100 years, I can’t say we don’t deserve it.

Agree that it’s a good idea, but wouldn’t a gentle reminder work just as well? I’m so tired of everyone’s anger and hostility constantly being thrown into the atmosphere.

Zoos are antiquated prisons for animals where WILD animals are denied everything natural and meaningful to them. Growing numbers of countries are actually closing down these “entertainment” parks (because education and conservation have little to no role in the reality of the zoo system), the US should follow suit.

I dont’ know if what you wrote is completely or even partly true.

Sounds like you have your own rape-apologist version of events

You don’t need mine

Horrible for his kids, but I find it very hard to summon sympathy for this rapist son-of-a-bitch


She had Kim organize her closet for her

Wouldn’t it be great if people were even remotely this worked up about Prince Andrew?

You've never had a dog, or a pet? Or did you get up this morning an decide to be an arsehole? Ffs!

I just finished listening to a six-episode series on Last Podcast on the Left, covering the roots and rise of Mormonism. Mormons actually pride themselves in abusing medicaid and other gov assistance programs. They call it “bleeding the beast”.

Man... you sure do play fast and loose with the facts... well here are my sources.

Vote NDP then. We have another option. Besides, the Liberals have gone fairly right over the past few years since trump got in. The NDP are the best left wing option we have. (Fuck the green party for a variety of reasons, not limited to their willingness to form a government with only the concervatives, their desire