
I would actually kind of love it if this became the “Al Capone tax evasion” of the Trump administration. If manage to dodge all the accusations of obstruction but end up in prison for throwing a shitty, expensive party, it would have a certain poetic grace.

I hope they bring body sniffing dogs. 

The Clinton Conspiracy Theories are there to distract from Clinton’s sexual assault allegations. Juanita Broaddrick, Leslie Millwee, and Paula Jones all accused Clinton of sexually assaulting them, and for nearly 30 years they’ve all been called horrible names and labeled ‘opportunists’. Paula Jones had jokes made

Well to be fair, there wasn’t a black man involved. 

Wat sucks about Jubilee?

I would argue your disappointment is due to your selections. You really should have gone with the Ultimate feast, as the two best items are the shrimp scampi (basically just shrimp drowned in garlic butter) and the crab legs (which can be dipped in the extra butter).  No one goes to Red Lobster for soup.  Its for old

This is some pathetic victim blaming.

That’s what I was thinking. My girlfriend is vegetarian, which makes me mostly vegetarian by default. She isn’t evangelical about it, she’s down to eat anything, she just became a vegetarian because it seemed like an easy way to cut down on her carbon footprint and such. My takeaways from semi-vegetarianism though are

As someone who developed early (C cup by age 12, also tall) believe me, I know about men just deciding how much you “owe” them due to your appearance.

Depends on the photo.

Exactly. What kind of example does that set for the children (separated from their families and kept indefinitely in brutal detention without even soap or toothpaste)?

Is this common? My Canadian brain can’t get around the fact that universities have their own private police force to wich the actual police defers to.

They’re fine if you bought them from the clearance rack at Aldo for $15.99.


I think they couldn’t make it through the opening scene, let alone watch “most of it,” or else they’d be so traumatized as to know this isn’t cute. I had an uncomfortable level of anxiety after watching the new episodes last week and that wasn’t the first time that’s happened with the show.

Shame on our military for not standing against Trump and his illegal order.

It really makes me sad that she is angry with her teen self for “letting” it happen. The blame rests with her stepfather, NOT her, or any other girl/woman/person that suffers sexual assault.

yeah, I’m really looking forward to these dipshits discovering, to their great dismay, that the problem wasn’t on the outside.