
It's clear that they aren't all that smart. Everyone acted like Tandy was a genius for the billboards, why didn't anyone else think of that? They show that they listen to the radio once but Mike was probably trying to contact them for awhile. No one learns anything like piloting or any medical skills unless it's

Or why not have some refreshing Wolf Cola?

Oliver is easily the most sympathetic character on the show. Every single other character who is "innocent" is annoying as shit except for him. (though to be fair I really like Asher's character, he cracks me up)

I kind of have a theory that Laurel killed Rebecca. Of all four of them, she went from being the least shaken up to actually deriving power from the cover-up of Sam's murder. Killing Rebecca is something I could see her doing now, and I think giving Michaela her ring back has something to do with that - though I'm not

This makes a lot of sense. But - Sam called Frank from a pay phone so no trace.
I love how nobody noticed one of their professors at a Sorority house party and how the hell did Rebecca get from the water tank off the roof without anybody noticing?
Also, probably not a big point but if Sam wanted her dead, well, she

I've always kind of wanted Dee to have a lesbian experience with the waitress. Just so everybody will have ended up banging the waitress (or almost banging the waitress) except for Charlie.

I don't comment here much but I really admire your dedication to this account.

I really wish this show was just Annalise, Frank, Asher, and Oliver. Annalise is the brains, Frank is the muscle, Oliver is the good looks and Asher is the Wildcard. I don't know what they would actually do but I would watch the shit out of that show.

I think they wait too long for the payoff and fans get nervous. It's fun to have a multi-season mystery, but no one really trusts that Moffat didn't just forget about it or is going to handwave it away like he did with the "TARDIS blowing up" plot.

It bothered me just as much that Clara wanted him to do it. Aside from River Song, he usually makes a point of not having murderous companions. And he doesn't even try to talk her out of it or anything? really? She knows there's only two of his species around for certain yet she wants him to kill the only one left,

This. I like to think of it as a play on Tumblr fangirls blaming any kind of minor personality quirk on OCD or anxiety or bipolar or what have you. Though in reality it's probably the writing team not actually knowing the difference

Yeah, I imagined it'd be something similar to the trills, even going as far as to outright ban subsequent regenerations from dating/remarrying. It's also possible the Time Lords (aside from the Prydonians) don't feel much in the way of romantic love and only pair up to have kids anyway. Maybe that's why the Doctor

This is hands down the best gimmick account on here

(though seriously, Ben, it’s Sisko all the way)