
Yeah! They should have a special class in school for all boys to teach them that girls are not play things or plastic toys but living beings with feelings. If this kid had gone to such a class he might have grown up to be a normal man. As it is we live in a world where men think girls are disposable toys and that if

Every time I read stories like this I think “Gee, I wonder why she refused. You sound like such a stand up guy.” So little self-awareness.

Misogyny is an irrational feeling. We need people to raise their sons differently and we need society to stop treating women as sexual objects/baby machines.

The thing is that we condition boys to view girls as no different from their toys so when they grow up, the view of women as objects, as opposed subjects, persists. Media and government reinforce this view.

Does anyone know why the kid only got 25 years? Don’t you tend to get more than that for premeditated murder? Or was it a plea deal? I mean, we know he was not sentenced in juvenile court, because they are not going to release him quickly. So, does anyone know what gives?

Eh, a lot of guys lash out at women who reject them. They just usually don’t get outright physically violent.

That your "back in the day" thing isn't true. Sexual violence has always been a reality for women. Unless it was a joke that didn't land.

He probably pleaded no contest in exchange for 25 years, as opposed to going to trial where he may (should) have gotten life.

Because men respect another man’s property, but not womens’ independence, apparently.

At best my experience has led to some epic mansplaining or shaming (“This is why you’re single - you don’t give good guys like me a chance!”) and at worst I’ve been made to feel unsafe. I’m lucky that no one has ever gotten violent but it’s also pretty fucked up that I think I’m lucky that I haven’t been harmed for

So I have absolutely no qualms about the fake ring I keep in my purse

Thank you.

Yep. I’ve heard so many guys say they just want women to be honest. But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said “no thanks” to a guy and his response is to call me a bitch or a lesbian or yell at me.

I had a dude at work complaining to me about “females” giving him fake numbers instead of just telling him no. I wish I’d had the patience to explain to him just how many women are attacked and murdered for following his advice, but every other time I tried to argue with all his sexist bullshit it was just like

Honesty is for the privileged. Men do not get this. “Why didn’t you just say no?” seems so easy to them. And yet, we’re supposed to feel guilt for lying or giving out fake numbers.

And the worst part about having to use that excuse is that the guy is only going to stop flirting/hitting on you out of respect to your imagined beau and not out of respect to your wishes to be left the fuck alone...

My guy friends think I’m an asshole for always pretending to be in a relationship when I get hit on. To be honest, whether it is ethically right or wrong to lie to someone in that situation does not matter to me. I just do what I think is the most likely to get the guy to stop hitting on me, and the least likely to

And speaking of which, why only 25 years of rotting? Is it because he was (if he’s 18 now, I’m assuming maybe he was 16 when he did this) a minor at the time he murdered Maren Sanchez? Good God, what a demoralizing, depressing, infuriating story.

wow, thanks for that comment

I’m from LA and was in my late teens during this time. I’m African American. There’s nothing like everyone watching a trial where it is discovered the lead detective(a Fox News regular now) uses the word “Ni**er” like please and thank you. This entire time period in Los Angeles was nuts. Super violent with gangs, cops