We are all lost on a dark plain, and some of us chase false lights. we cannot sit before our computers and rightfully judge people—especially not when they must berate themselves every day for this estrangement.
We are all lost on a dark plain, and some of us chase false lights. we cannot sit before our computers and rightfully judge people—especially not when they must berate themselves every day for this estrangement.
A lot of these people were very young when they themselves entered the church, or they were also born into the church. It’s very hard to leave a cult when you have no money and there’s the threat of being cut off from your entire family as well.
Thanks, you’re always such a nice person to people here :)
Some things are for the better, and not having my mom in my life has actually been a nice ‘ol boost to the morale in Kernland.
Good golly if my (estranged) mom put up a billboard there would be zero contact from me.
My cat will only wear them if they have ear holes. No ear holes, no deal.
I’ll bring my crochet hooks and my patterns for making sun hats with ear holes.
Cults/religion like this preys on those who are depressed, and/or beaten down by life. Those that are searching hard for answers and not been able to find any. In other words, they prey on those who are weak. As humans there may be times in our life when we are really weak - and sometimes we get better. So I can’t…
That is fair. Lots of grey area. Nobody is entitled to an open line of communication. Barring Scientology’s position on “Supressive People” their efforts might be seen as invasive.
I hope that’s all this is but I’ve known enough people who cut contact with their parents.To hear the parents side of it, they were perfect and did nothing wrong. Scientology is a cult but that might not be the reason for 0 contact.
Can I get in on this?
If putting hats on cats is wrong, I DON’T WANNA BE RIGHT.
Look it’s not black and white. Glass houses you know!
What will be interesting is if whether or not the Kardashian (mainly Kris) clan can get her to sign a pre-nup. Additionally, they probably don’t like the idea of another woman coming into the family and getting the “Kardashian” name with all its glory.
They’re gonna name it Supreme Deity Kardashian just to fuck with Kanye
I hope she’s already pregnant with Twins and she names them South and East. #DreamBigger
I actually don’t work in radio (anymore). I’m a concert promoter / festival publicist.