
Sigh. I had hoped that by not starring any responses from people like yourself, we could avoid this issue. Seems like you, same as “ebaum2112,” got so triggered at seeing a post about ICE that you just jumped right to the comments without ever bothering to read the article!

michelle obama sure seemed to think the position had responsibilities, and i, for one, thank her for her herculean efforts.

Because they’re banned from the mall.

You know who was for Net Neutrality, Julian? Hillary Clinton. But you and the shadowy Kremlin forces who pulled your strings did everything you could to make sure Donnie Two-Scoops won the contest.

I don’t like this analogy, because if a triceratops emerged out of the ground in front of me, I’d be excited as all hell.

Holy crap, it’s like watching a triceratops come climbing out of the ground right in front of you. How are these fuckers still around in the 21st century?

30 years of teaching.

A couple issues with your report:

I’d be too afraid that it would turn into a demogorgon and eat my cat while I was sleeping.

Fuck Trump.

To be clear, they’re cracking down on the ONLY side that’s a inherently violent movement that so far has gotten a woman run down and killed by a car, a pizza place attacked with an assault rifle, a church full of black worshippers slaughtered, and that proudly, be it in coded semantics, bills themselves as the new

Translation: you’re a hateful asshole.

I used to be a dating site profile ghostwriter, so this is somewhere between anecdata and actual data based on a small sample set.

Narcoleptics are people, not drugs.

I think he saw “Rasmussen” and assumed it was Russian.

I’m sorry but you are mistaken in only looking at the shooter, this was an Elementary School, so clearly this was a hoax, and they were all actors.

How to Get Guns Banned Effectively;

Fuck yes. This is courageous.