Don’t forget Kellyanne Conway made history too. She’s the first campaign manager in history, male or female, to get a pile of shit elected President.
Don’t forget Kellyanne Conway made history too. She’s the first campaign manager in history, male or female, to get a pile of shit elected President.
Kim Foxx won the Cook County State’s Attorney for Chicago, the first African American to hold the office. Her win was, in large part, due to the efforts of Black Lives Matter and her agenda is very promising for Chicago’s most failed neighborhoods - shifting the office’s priorities from minor crimes to violent…
Not a woman but let’s celebrate the ouster of Sheriff Joe fucking Arpaio. FINALLY.
I proudly voted for Pramila Jayapal!
Apparently it was very life changing for at least one member of the audience
Just like you wouldn’t go looking for love at a sex party, it would be foolish to try to find anything resembling life-fortifying, soul-nourishing substance in a superhero movie.
I used to say I wanted a red convertible and one year my grandpa took a picture of a red convertible and gave it to me. At least you can play with this one.
Class, boys. It’s all about style.
What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it…
I’m not mad. I still call people “sugar tits” thanks to him.
I bet he just bought a solid gold jet.
reality show vet Tiffany Pollard
Don’t forget people who start entering an elevator before waiting for occupants to exit. (My dog does this all the time. She has terrible elevator etiquette).
Seriously. Like, the Heathers were the stereotypical Perfect Girls (tm) that everyone wanted to be and also hate ... so you could be happy that they were dead. I am kind of bummed that I’m supposed to be rooting for a white hetero couple to kill a black lesbian, a gender-queer guy, and a fat girl ...
...did I miss something? Who are Mathews, Scannell, and Field?
I imagine it ended with her fanning herself for five minutes, thinking about Billy Dee in his prime.
You gonna have to take that back because otherwise you’re insinuating A League of Their Own was bad and I will have to murder you.
the only song i really like from the album is ‘joanne’ honestly the album just doesnt make sense to me. i dont want semi decent folk music from gaga. i want great pop music. she should have went disco inspired.
Lol if your issues with Gags are her pants you are going to be sorely disappointed.