
If you want a viable Green Party (and you should)....

Memo to Jill Stein voters : Ditto.

ditto what tcualum said, but also we’ve known she was having an abortion since the premiere — this isn’t a spoiler so much as an it’s a “plot point they told you last week was happening happened this week”

The show was on two days ago. It’s not fair to expect everyone to embargo because you haven’t seen it.

Australian poetry mate

I’m trying to remember if I ever had a regular middle school or high school history class actually reach the 60s—usually you’d get to April and still be on WWII, do a very brief JFK lesson (Catholic school), touch on MLK/civil rights if you didn’t do it in February, and then spend May doing testing/review/occasionally

She’s a kid with a weird childhood perhaps you could chill.

To be fair she was given this history lesson by Val.

Laurie Hernandez is America’s Favorite Little Sister and therefore doesn’t have to know about the 1960s.

The trial is supposed to start on Election Day? Damn, that’s bad timing for him.

I feel like maybe Eminem had a childhood idol in Superman, and it sort of fucked him in a way when Reeve became paralyzed. So this is like Em’s id just crawling out and saying “NOOOOOOO!!!!! SUPERMAN, WHY?!?!?!?! :( : ( :( :(“

Eminem is still a thing?

Only the Lame stream media would know the difference between the two men. All Sarah sees when she looks at them is teeth. Oh. And memories of her one act play Letters From The White Palace... a love story based on The Turner Diaries.

this girl’s linking to breitbart like it’s real

Because every time he focuses on Hillary she beats him like a rented mule.

I mean, without getting too philosopher-bro, I think it’s possible that Hillary Clinton could do good things for sexual assault survivors in office, regardless of the accusations against her husband. The Presidency has great power to make progressive change.

Sorry, who’s the wrong horse? Because even if Bill Clinton is a rapist, that’s not a great reason we shouldn’t elect his wife.

Bill isn’t running for president.

In this election world, ‘believe women’ means nothing.