
And they’ll get married, after he’s completed his probaion, and live in the nice home in a neighborhood that allows REGISTERED convicted sex offenders... and he’ll work his low paying job because he’s a REGISTERED convicted sex offender who is a nice guy so he makes sure his registration stays current, while she works

I think his “childhood friend” has maybe had the hots for him forever and he totally ignored her. So her letter is a.) her getting out her anger that another girl—an UNCONSCIOUS girl—managed to get what she herself had always wanted, so of COURSE it’s that girl’s fault; and b.) I think she’s hoping he’ll see her as

Isn’t it kind of weird that we have/had mandatory minimums for marijuana possession, a drug that to the best of my knowledge does not cause the kind of violent tendencies or loss of consciousness that alcohol does, but not for sexual assault?

Bingo. We literally have the case that all the doubters of privilege/rape culture wanted: this asshole was caught in the god damn act by witnesses; all protocols were followed immediately (police, hospital, rape kit, etc.); the victim was strong, eloquent, and determined; and here we still are watching this smug prick

All too fucking often teas I thought would change my life and I got waaay too excited about turned out to be mostly chamomile.

the slade smiley of NY

I was watching this episode with my dad and turned to me and went: “I have that tea. It’s mostly chamomile.”

While we’re bashing this guy’s fashion choices, espadrilles on men are just the fucking worst. The other guy’s sick shoe/sock combo makes them look even worse.

And how long was she dead and no one even noticed? Poor woman.

There goes my perverse sense of relief that at least this guy wasn’t targeting women.

I hope you’re referring to him considering her net worth is higher.

For all women who hate Mammograms- Imagine having one if you are a man without breasts. This happened to me and two doctors stood behind me and shoved me into the machine while it pinched down on my non-breast so that there would even be something to x-ray. It was basically a medical purple nurple. Then again maybe it

The solution is simple, really: ban all for-profit media ventures and have publicly funded elections with mandated equal air time. Easy peasy!

I just saw it last night. It’s so refreshing! “You want my number?”

Sometimes in my clear headed moments, I know I am going to be hungover the next day with a chance of puking so I clean my toilet the night before.

I am so sorry that happened to you. People are the WORST.

This is where you do all that plus find a good lawyer for the civil suit that will bankrupt that asshole. And the company. Which I would like to avoid because one guy’s Sad Trombone Boner apparently rules all the fucking policy/promotion decisions so if you happen to mention its name we’re good.


The guy in the middle is like “I’m just going to keep looking straight ahead.”

No, that dick was not equitable. I want man dicks, hard man dicks attached to hot dudes. Not limp boy dicks with warts. God then to follow that up with a set of beautiful boobies. Seriously that actress has great boobs. It’s just not fair.