
Architecture has been male-dominated since Imhotep. Regardless of whether her designs appealed to you, Hadid made a huge contribution to the field, and was truly impressive in her ability to succeed with the odds so incredibly stacked against her. I can’t wait to see what all the women she inspired in the field have

While I appreciate attempts to make medical abortions idiot proof, I strongly suspect that the Republican party has better idiots.

He was also downright iconic in A League of Their Own. “Get these wild animals away from me!”

As a matter of law, they probably did fuck up and probably will get punished. This is one time where the “what if” actually holds water. OTOH with all the institutionalized racism in the entertainment industry I can’t really find the effort to care. I’m sure the white people who were bothered by this can take solace

How is it “very clear” there will be war? A vote for Clinton is about 99% likely to be a vote for a continuation of the past 8 years. And those past 8 years, while not perfect and disappointing at times, are a fuckton of miles beyond better than what would have happened if we had continued another 8 years of W.

Dammit, Janet.

Jon Lovitz once punched Andy Dick at a bar so he's always gonna be awesome in my book

In my day, we smashed watermelons when we wanted comedy.

I saw this Saturday and thought they got the right wing frothing down pat. I loved the mention of evil doers and the way they printed Obamas middle name in all caps.

Personally I’d define it as one parent of one race and one of another race leaving out grandparents and great grandparents because hell many of us would be considered biracial given the history of slavery as she pointend out. And black because she identifies and is perceived as such.

NSFW. and I swear my mouse got STUCK and wouldn’t move on that tweet. :/

OK OK just ignore that he’s a gross human being...we’re talking a one night stand, not marriage.

It’s never not depressing to see the words instagram famous. That’s around half a step up from having your name and number scratched into a bathroom stall.

I thought it was going to be Andrew Dice Clay, so I cared for a while...

It’s a sad day when “IG famous” is actually a thing.

My main question is WHO?! As in who is she?

Shut your whore mouth. Bring It! Is AMAZING!

I love those women. They always look like they are having so much fun..

Excited for when Abby makes Nia play OJ and murders the other girls! (It’s gonna happen sooner or later, right?)

But I can definitely see Ted Cruz being the guy who thinks he’s so smart he has covered his tracks perfectly.