
Is anyone else at “can you not?” stage about Obama’s Cuba trip just happening to be at the same time as the Brussels attack? If he had said “fuck this shit, i’m watching baseball” and left after the attack, fine that’s one thing. But he was already there, on state business trying to help re-establish ties with a

Does anyone else think that nun actually looks like Mitch McConnell in disguise?

Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.

When Kenya was saying that her credentials are better than Kim’s. Oh lawd.

It's a little crazy that a former child actress was too normal for this show. Think about the chances of that.

So a dick surrounds himself with dicks. Not surprised.

At least I get to post this:

Now playing

I was about to share that link because Garland’s performance is both a powerhouse and almost disturbingly manic. She sings the song like a woman possessed, marching into war. It’s incredible.

Can we please finally dispense with the myth that all women have a maternal instinct and selflessly put their children before them themselves? It may seem laudable but it’s actually pretty sexist. (Not to mention contradicted by reality.)

Every season I get so excited to read the “celebrities” that will be on Dancing with the Stars but I have never once actually watched the show

My bracket has “Not Being Here to Make Friends” taking the whole thing.

wait for looser Drumpf to reply to her

Did they get the Everybody Loves Raymond set in a firesale?

I think if you are an Ohio woman of child-bearing age, you can’t take a chill pill unless it’s under the care of a doctor with admitting rights to two hospitals (one Catholic, the other Catholic), and that’s after you get a signed permission slip from your husband, your priest, and two professional (male) references.

One time I was watching a sportsball game with a friend and he hated both teams. Out of curiosity I asked him who he was rooting for. His response? “The clock.” I feel sort of that way when I’m forced to pick sides between Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump. Who am I rooting for? A sinkhole.

If Kelly actually paid attention to others, Donald would be whining that she’s ignoring him.

The campaign actually sent the gif out in a mailer because whomever she has running her social media is a genius.

A family friend lives in Chappaqua, where the Clintons live in New York. She told us how her friend was shopping at the local grocery store when Bill came in to do some shopping, and she shook his hand, and was so emotionally worked up over it that she crashed her brand-new car into a pole on the way out of the

I met HRC once, on my 21st birthday. I was working at a Clinton Foundation fundraiser at the Museum of Natural History in NYC. They hadn’t told us anything about how the Clintons would enter and I just assumed they would come in the back through some super secret door or something.