
why does he look like joe biden here

it looks like his brain rotted and liquefied and is escaping via his scalp somehow

Have you considered the possibility that when the picture was taken, Doctor Carson was blurry?

Well sure, they made up the romance and the thing with the big fat diamond, but it was based on a true story!

do we think he’d be cool with amateurs performing brain surgery then? I’m confused. I mean he literally sounds like someone talking in their sleep, but still. What’s the message here?

Obviously, the picture is blurry because it was taken by a professional.

i believe what he is saying is that god sent the iceburg to punish man for transitioning from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy

18 square feet per cat, not 1800. You’d need 1800 (and then some) if you were going to have 100 cats. And also some thorazine and a full time cleaning staff.

The most awkward experience of my life was when I went to the funeral of the dad of one of my mom’s friends, and they played several songs from “Cats” at the UU church while we all sat there in silence.

I have a friend who makes her own fortune cookies with the darkest, most existentially fucking depressing messages inside them. Like: “Love is a chemical illusion,” and “The whistle on your life jacket will attract no attention,” and “Entropy always wins in the end, asshole.”

I am a cat lady. I have two right now, but that’s only because my landlord won’t allow me to get more. When I get my own house........I will try to be an ethical cat hoarder. They’ll all be fixed and none of them will be dying in dark corners and not discovered for 4 years. But, yeah, I’m going to have lots of them.

That’s the darkest laffy taffy joke I’ve ever seen.

Real cat ladies have so much cat hair clinging to their clothes they don't need to weave it into sweaters. It weaves itself into their current sweaters.

My beloved asshole cat died earlier this year, and it’s been unexpectedly difficult to unshackle myself from my cat lady identity. I’m travelling a lot, so it doesn’t make sense to get another furry fuckface right now, but I feel bereft. Not just of a cat, but my of my truest, most essential self.

If, like me, you had to blow cat fur off your keyboard before you could even respond to this post, you might as well skip the quiz. #catladiesunite

7 different friends yesterday posted this on my FB wall suggesting that I either need this costume or I already look like this.


Yeah, I try to be honest with my girlfriend (and I was with my ex’s) about my friend’s bad behavior. Even the guy who cheated on his SO but it is one of my best friends. I just say that “hey, people are flawed and I don’t do what they did.” Usually works.

Yes. I have this friend. The person who if I met as an adult I would never befriend her. However, I’ve known her since we were kids and she’s entertaining. I preface any meeting of her to my SO by saying “she’s a loose canon, and not my ACE so we can deal for an evening.” That usually goes well.

There are exceptions to this of course, but I do feel that if all your friends do not like your significant other there is usually a reason. It can be really hard to see glaring red flags and sometimes even mis-treatment when you are in the throws of lust/whatever and there’s usually a reason your friends don’t like