inserts " Nelson/Ha Ha !!! " GIF .
inserts " Nelson/Ha Ha !!! " GIF .
I read about this yesterday, and despite all the awful things floating around on the internet right now, I won't deny that this made my day.
War Machine, is that you!?!?
Mack joked about her being raped by this man, last year on Twitter.
Entirely unsurprising regarding the Deadspin commenters. I've been saying for months that they're generally great about these issues. A lot of the time when people try to point to "Deadspin commenters doing something wrong" they quote someone who's just as much on here as there.
I think this is where I was trying to come from originally. Her career, be it doctor, lawyer, barista, porn star, whatever... is not entirely relevant to the story—especially in the context that most media has put it in.
Ive been pleasantly surprised by how often Deadspin commenters are thoughtful and awesome and completely willing to tell Gawkerites to GTFO
Two things:
imma let her finish but beyonce had the best clues of all time: none
We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together (After You Kept Me In A Sex Dungeon And Chris Meloni Couldn't Find Me)
I'll take "Really Awkward Timing" for 500!
someone out of frame is about to come down the stairs, and their hand is out.
Hey, you're the one who said panties were horrifying things only flat asses could wear. But that's ok and not judgment because YOU said it, I guess. Interesting.
Why not, indeed. I like you. :)
Speaking as someone who has, upon occasion, indulged in effusive parenthetical aside-ing—and frequently relies even more heavily upon the em-dash—I support and endorse your writing style. It's like you're hugging me with your words.
...maybe we're all supposed to be like that and those who are simply are few and far between.
And HE WOULD HUG YOU BACK. He is that fucking awesome. He is that rare human being that it is impossible to dislike; he has successfully weaponized kindness.
Andrew WK, watch your goddamn back. Because if I ever see you, I am hugging the everloving shit out of you.
There's no proof he's a time traveler.
Except that's not entirely true. The money went towards removing asbestos, updating plumbing, etc. on a historic home that belongs to the taxpayers already.