
Send his tiny ass back to Canada where he can pretend to play hard all he wants.

Glad the jury saw through Lanez’ BS.

This is the one and only time this crazy woman is absolutely correct. It won’t happen again!

Also, Russia HAS weapons. They HAVE mercenaries/colonisers (the Wagner Group). What they don’t have are intelligent commanding officers, or motivated soldiers. Bout won’t be able to fix either of those problems.

Hobbs won right? That safe can drop anytime.

Facebook was opened to non .edu emails the same year Bout was arrested. The entire illicit trade system is completely different now.  Silk Road came into existence and died during that time period. He’s out of his element now.  

Would Bout still have his “Merchant of Death” networks, hookups, money and connections intact after all this time? Is he even equipped to be a plug? Are the Russians still going to eff with him like that? There are people who are far more dangerous than him out there doing what they do, right now. It’s not as if arms

I’ve been saying that he should be canceled for years. Every article about Koonye I make a point to talk about how we need to ignore this fucker, expel him from the cookout and keep it moving.

Can we please stop referring to Kanye with such positive references attached to his name? In this article, he’s referred to as the “Grammy-winning” rapper, the “Touch the Sky” rapper, The “Late Registration” rapper, and the “Power” rapper.

Half of the stuff you just posted isn’t connected to reality. It’s like claiming ultimate victimhood—its propaganda that no longer works. Keep this in mind: the historical suffering European Jews went through were at the hands of other Europeans - the holocaust was a European project; my folks, especially Black

He’s sorry that the money is drying up. What a clueless human being. 

It’s ALWAYS about him. An “apology” that ends up about him. He might have some mental issues but overall he’s just a narcissistic a**hole.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to pay thousands of dollars to send their children to Kanye West Middle School?

It’s probably the best thing for the students. Hopefully their idiot parents will actually place them in real schools. Anyone who is willing to put their kid in a school that requires a NDA and whose owner professes never to read isn’t concerned about the education their kids receive and are more caught up in the cult

We, as in black people don’t run those huge companies and his black peers, Chapelle, Jay, and other like them didn’t hold him accountable. He said that crazy shit and people still bought the albums, clothes and shoes. So you have a point, but when it was time to step up those people didn’t 

Republicans get control and they’re going to push through every voter suppression law {...} , every congressional district reconfiguration...

Presumably Manchin and Sinema are already vowing to block them.

It does not matter what bloggers or fans say. Until he is shunned by his peers and people he “respects” then we are just blowing hot air.  As long as people want tracks by him, want to wear his clothes, and dap him up at award shows and take pics, it  does not matter. 

Not mentioned: Balenciaga announced it was ending its relationship with Kanye back in July. 

My initial reaction isn’t a nice one. This basic bitch should have known all this before it happened to her. It shouldn’t be necessary for it to happen to her. On the other hand, maybe this basic bitch going on TV is exactly what’s needed to change the minds of people like her?