Just because someone may not like a traditional desert topping as dressing on lettuce does not mean that they’re uneducated about salad dressings, or can’t make one on their own. Get a clue, idiot.
Just because someone may not like a traditional desert topping as dressing on lettuce does not mean that they’re uneducated about salad dressings, or can’t make one on their own. Get a clue, idiot.
Wow, you’re really sensitive about whipped cream on your salad.
Whipped cream as salad dressing? Ewww. No. Just no.
If your beef is with authors not getting paid, maybe you should take that up with your book publisher, who gives you 8%-15% royalties, despite the fact that they, as publishers, literally don’t do anything except print and ship your book.
It’s not hard to get defensive? What defense do you have for this?
If it’s legal for them to sell a textbook as a new edition - even though it contains literally the exact same thing as the previous edition, with only a couple of questions added in one single chapter - then it’s fucking legal for students to photocopy that textbook.
The jail term for incest is 18 months in jail. In the Daily Mail article, they both say that they plan on being together after she gets out of jail, so we’re not accomplishing anything by keeping her in jail.
Only 15% of your cholesterol comes from the food you eat. The rest is produced by your liver and not related to diet. It is related to genetics, so it’s not surprising that she is suffering from the same thing as her dad.
To be fair, there could be a lot more rest and joy if you gave that 2 year old some (or all) of that wine. But you’re mean and don’t want to share.
What evidence do we have? How about the fact that when the cops went over to the house to charge her with incest, they didn’t charge her with anything else? According to the Daily Mail interview, she has 8 other kids, including 2 minors living with her. If she was neglecting or abusing them, the cops would have found…
Throwing her in jail accomplishes what, exactly?
Kinda. If you’re in Florida and willingly attend these things, you have to be quite dumb to NOT think that something is going to go wrong. Something always goes wrong because it’s fucking Florida.
It matters to your health professional so that you can get proper treatment. It doesn’t matter to anybody else why you’re out to lunch.
The only person assuming causality is you. To a person who’s considering suicide or has other mental health issues, it doesn’t fucking matter what “caused” those issues. What matters is that they get the mental help they need.
Gay and trans people have an astronomically high chance of having a mental illness and of attempting suicide. Yet instead of providing them with the mental help they need, we used to throw them in jail. If you don’t see how that neglect of mental health is relevant to a woman who’s in jail for fucking her adult son,…
So glad you’re profiling her instead of the 42 year old gymnast who’s currently competing and kicking ass. Being ageist must make you feel so awesome.
It’s only offensive if you believe that mentally ill people belong in jail instead of somewhere where they can get the mental help they need. That medieval thinking worked out so well treating gay and trans people, didn’t it?
Sure, it’s an interesting comparison to point out that people who need mental help should get it instead of being thrown in jail.
I never said it was the same as fucking your kids, idiot.
It’s transphobic to say that it’s a good thing that trans people don’t belong in jail? GTFO.