
THAT was my favorite easter-eggy thing about the whole show, that they had Laura, Helen and Melissa all on one episode. (I think they ought to make the parents Danvers into cross-realities Superman and Supergirl.)

Why didn't Flash recognize Supergirl's logo? "Hey, you're just like Superman, only you're a girl!!"

!Kara (bad Kara)/!Supergirl was acting like your ordinary Bipolar person would if off the meds. Or, Any high-responsibility person with med-controlled Bipolar Disorder would act if he/she were to go off meds to see what would happen. —There is an account in studies of medical ethics of a surgeon who went off his

We need to understand that J'onn J'onzz is The Authorized Stand-in for Superman, in the comics in the Silver Age and now in Supergirl.