
she dives into the car

The farcry 3 segment was amazing, what do you mean “but all the queer folks knew this was lame as hell” seems a bit strange 

Would you expect an iPhone3g to be quicker than a modern day cheap Motorola just because its an iPhone?

I honestly don’t get this comment.

“We Americans” DO know. We’re not the problem. Our politicians are a cancer on us all.

Don’t be pedantic, the terms have been linguistically interchangeable for 20 years.

It’s me I’m the idiot.

“Except if I’m in Africa, where it’s the custom for everybody to refer to anyone older as ‘Sister’ or ‘Auntie,’ depending on the age difference. And there, no one refers to anyone older by their first name out of respect.”

What the fuck are you talking about? We don’t have a president in the UK, and we’ve never been anywhere near “banning the burqa”. Even loads of deeply racist Tory MPs are against banning burqas because it’s more important to them to be pro-religious than it is for them to be racist.

Dude, he just wrote the article, don’t shoot the messenger.

I would say that’s a load of BS considering how bad the PC port of Halo Infinite was. It really doesn’t matter where the studio is. Some companies just suck at PC ports. The PC port of FFIX was a masterclass on PS3 and PC from Square Enix no less.

Annoyingly the Motherboard (Vice) article that the author got this information from doesn’t list them either, and you have to go one more link deep to the Free Speech Coalition site to actually see it: https://action.freespeechcoalition.com/age-verification-bills/

Seven other states are have copy cat bills in various stages of possibly becoming laws.” And for some reason, you can’t list those seven states?

In an article titled “7 more states...”  you’d think that the article would list which states they are?

What an extraordinarily ignorant view on children and parenting. This may sound shocking, but tiny children often behave very differently from each other, regardless of the parenting method. 

Welcome to typical Jez feminist investigation. 

Aw jeez.

The kid broke the rules and violated security.  Play Stupid Games, Get Stupid Rewards.

That’s unpossible, because software works absolutely the same way for absolutely every single person that uses it!