

When I cross one way streets, I also look the other way to make sure nobody goes the wrong way. Probably paranoid, but still.


Announcing GTAV blood bank heist in honor of Halloween!

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

Automatic ignition systems are for GLORY BOYS who don’t know how to drive cars like REAL MEN

His supporters are too stupid to even understand what this means.

Because thanks to the politicians creating loopholes to help the wealthy avoid paying taxes he’s probably in the clear as far as tax evasion.

There’s no car manufacturing in NZ, so we get whatever the Aussies and Japanese are willing to ship over in exchange for hobbit fur and signed photos of Gandalf.

Pretty sure that’s a lambo, dude.

Green Bugatti? Bad taste

The guy at home:

Gotta get a crane to haul it out. Rent it from U-kraine.

Why even rescue them? The problem solved itself

Hey, hold my vodka...

This is the best video of the lizard (turn your volumen up).

Man, this guy....