All the skins are great (this is the first time I actually like and want them all) but Zen Chtulhu skin is on another level of awesomeness. I NEED IT
All the skins are great (this is the first time I actually like and want them all) but Zen Chtulhu skin is on another level of awesomeness. I NEED IT
I was super lucky last year and managed to snag all of the Halloween skins, hopefully that luck holds this year...
Wow that Zen Cthulhu skin is NICCCCCCE! I missed last years event because I didn’t have the game but I look forward to this one!
TWoM never appealed to me just because of the side-scrolling, but I’ve been craving a new city builder, and this game is looking sweet so far. The vibe reminds me a bit of Sunless Sea - a Fallen London city builder would be magnificent.
Oh! The perfect troll!
Welcome to Unhelpful Tipping 101.
That’s a pussy tip.
Lot’s of stores we don’t have access to in Sweden. Ikea, H&M and Coop dominate the market so much that there is little other choice, if they don’t stock it, then maybe you can get Amazon to send it.
1. He was arrested and tried by the same people he was successfully suing for millions of dollars for falsely incarcerating him. These same people became aware of exonerating information and swept it under the rug so that Mr. Avery remained in prison for a rape he didn’t commit and had a solid alibi for.
Sorry, I missed your link. From your post, all you invoked was the correlation side of the argument.
Correlation does not equal causation.
Several years later - It’s also useful if you have a shower (not tub + shower) so that you can pick up the shower head so it’s not pointing at your face, turn on the water, then wait for it to get warm enough to spray yourself with. Some people stand outside the shower while waiting but I never remember to do this…
Several years later - It’s also useful if you have a shower (not tub + shower) so that you can pick up the shower…
I’m fortunate enough to not be in the U.S. where a subscription is required, and I sympathesize with All Access being a terrible value proposition vs. Netflix... but each episode costs $8m to produce, amd you’re getting 4 per month at ~1.50 a pop, even if you watch NOTHING ELSE on all access. Is that really so…
Some of us continue to treat butter as its own food group. I have been known to pile it on bread and rolls like one would peanut butter or perhaps cream cheese on a bagel. It’s delicious (provided you get decent butter)!
Won’t matter, cause it’s a stupid PREQUEL! Wooopeeee!!! .... :(
Man, Elite Dangerous has been a slow burn, huh? This is pretty interesting, but I’m more than content to sit on the sidelines and read about it every few months.
Maybe they should petition to require butchers to become licensed chefs before they’re allowed to cut meat.
Are you sure you are just not justifying your hoarding behavioral issue? ;)
I’m not sure how developers have the gal to blame gamers for toxicity, when time and time again they overhype their products, overpromise, overestimate their abilities and foster a cult like attitude in their communities.