Toriyama, like a lot of shonen writers, has trouble writing female fighters.
Toriyama, like a lot of shonen writers, has trouble writing female fighters.
Keza published this post a couple of days ago on Kotaku UK after we’d been talking about our respective curiosity and concerns about playing Destiny 2 while being new parents (my kids are a little younger than hers; they’ll be nine months old at the end of the month). Gaming life has changed for both of us a lot this…
I have yet to watch the entire series (seen the first 6 episodes of season 1), but reading any line from any creator about deliberately choosing not to answer certain mysteries always rubs me the wrong way (most recently, I heard this sentiment coming from the creators of Stranger Things). If there’s no guarantee of a…
Wired headphones, ethernet, keyboards, and mice for life.
Well from what I understand about Japanese cities (maybe South Korean too), they are super clean and safe. Whereas cities in most parts of, well, everywhere else, are not as much.
Any idea what happened to it? Their website doesn’t seem to say anything.
I’ve definitely heard the argument that “brakes are cheaper than a clutch”.
DUDE, That Toonami Micro though. Would own.
What, no mention of the hostile nutsack Gonarch?
We’re gonna do that next week, as a matter of fact!!
I don’t know if I’d consider it ‘well organized’ so much as well distributed throughout the house. It’s more like we’ve incorporated the different pieces into our decor. On the main floor, the Lego architecture sets get strategically placed in the bookcases and on the mantle. We have framed and matted prints, mostly…
How was it handed to her? People were fighting to keep her from having one, fought her when she had an album, and then killed her career after one song. There was almost a decade of work she put in to get to where she was.
“But she should be subject to that criticism. It should be an uncomfortable space for a white artist to appropriate black music. It’s only because of her white privilege that Iggy can be in that uncomfortable space but not have it get in the way of her career.”
Also I was kind of hoping that it would be attached to an anthology series in the same vein as the Animatrix.
No, I didn’t know that, genius. The original movie is mentioned in the article, and there’s only been a few trailers for the movie sequel floating around the internet for the past year.
Anime is the perfect medium for the Blade Runner universe.
Impact Props is to thank for this Ace of Spades hand cannon, part of a gift from Bungie for actor Nathan Fillion, the…
Sorry about your baby.