
I don’t even know if you will read this as this is a republished article but I feel like I should type this out for you anyways and it might just help someone else and certainly myself.
There was a similar post I read not too long ago about an arcade enthusiast who had past away and left garages and multiple storage

I highly recommend it because it has such a great environment, as far as I could tell every location on the mini map that you had to visit was unique. It also really felt like Mad Max, very visceral and gritty. The combat isn’t as good as the Arkham games but I think the vehicles make up for that.

*disclosure: chance of winning x or y in loot box is .01%*
..... So... you’re saying there’s a chance!

I believe the actual Link has receivers in it.

Yikes, my cat would probably murder my daughter and then the rest of the house when it got out.

Yikes, my cat would probably murder my daughter and then the rest of the house when it got out.

Yup this is what I have done for years, lather up the new bar and graft the old piece onto it... New bar with a beautiful growth.....

I’m in my mid 30's now so I know what you mean, for me its a lack of time now that I have kids. So lets see...;

I stumbled across a manga called BLAME! by Tsutomu Nihei a while back and couldn’t stop reading it (even with horrible fan translations from an online manga site) which led me to Knights of Sidonia. While not

Randy? are you me? did I write this?
You wrote exactly what I was thinking, so where is your list?
(I’m actually curious you seem to have similar tastes and I havne’t followed anime very closely since.... probably Cowboy Bebop)

Thanks for the article!
I usually read these types of articles assuming I already know what is going to be said but for once It was really helpful. I could have sworn that I read that average hair loss per day was ~30 so over the last few years as I grew out a man bun for kicks I have been increasingly alarmed at the

“unrefined take on first person stealth”
what does that mean? what is a refined take on first person stealth? and is that preferable to unrefined? In my experience I felt dishonored has had the best version of stealth from any other game I’ve played.

ya, not sure starting out the review by describing the predecessor as “unrefined” and “lacking character”, “lacking charm” bodes well for the rest of the review.

Wow, he put 2.9 mil in a bank of America account? I mean, come on, lets just pile on to the stupid train.

Ohh man those bears... I feel like there should be some quality In Soviet Russia jokes there.?.

If you like the premise of Habitat, and really like Sci-Fi architecture then make sure to check out the works of Tsutomu Nihei. Specifically Blame! The scope of the world and minimalism of the story is incredible.

The twist at the end elevated this movie to awesome for me.

Or entertainment in general. How many years have we been watching The Walking Dead? and as far as anyone can tell it has only been about a year since everything started.

Seriously Valve needs to give the L4D IP back to Turtle rock if they aren’t going to do anything with it. L4D2 was released in 09 for goodness sakes we need another game already! This was one of the most enjoyable local co-op games that I have ever played and I was even able to get my wife to sit down and play through

isn’t that what mythic+ is for? I remember challenge dungeons in Pandaria were pretty crazy too with some awesome rewards to be had if mastered.

I think I should point out the Batman games over the last decade. Specifically the Arkham series where you as a violent vigilante don’t actually kill anyone with your violence. I’m just saying that we know that non-murder/massacre/death can be fun.

Lol, “at some point you are just throwing money on the fire for very minimal gains” - I would say you easily passed that point, imo you went a few steps beyond future proof.