
Wait, so that is still only like $1500 tops for what you listed where did the other $2500 go? Were you buying from best buy? Did you bargain shop at all?
Not that you spending $4k on a PC setup is wrong if you have the money it just seems like way overkill when I have always been able to build a new gaming rig that I

By “high end” do you mean “Top of the line, spared no expense” gaming PC/work station?

I love that it looks like a matured version of Windwakers cell shading.

kind of surprised they don’t have the NX anime girl already.

Dat lensflare tho...

I’ll show myself out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well with Japan’s trend to anthropomorphize everything I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up marketing it like that at some point.

Wow it looks incredible and of course not coming to PC.... oh well I probably wouldn’t buy it anyway I’ll still be playing Legion.

I didn’t play past the beta in Titanfall 1, is the game supposed to be set in our future or some other sci-fi universe? I ask because the one image above with the titans standing in some ancient ruins looks really cool but definitely not ‘of this world’.

The Full Metal header picture sucked me in but I read pretty the whole thing because it was great interview from a couple of rational individuals talking about something that I think is often blown out of proportion.
SO was there something objectionable about Full Metal Alchemist or was it just bait? The only things

That’s the one! I knew it wasn’t Salmonella but was too lazy to look it up.

I’ve been wanting to can for a while (especially pickles) but my wife is freaked out that we will get salmonella especially our kiddos.

Any idea how well the Nvidia Experience settings are? I think that’s what it’s called, the Nvidia software that scans your games and will apply the optimized settings based on your card. In general I didn’t have much faith in the program but I was having issues with WoW Legion and I applied its recommended settings

My SO finds gaming too stressful. I actually got her to sit down with me and play through the first Telltale Walking Dead game and she even watched The Last of Us and Until Dawn and she HATES horror. Allas, I don’t think I will ever get her to be a gamer.

Be creative, you don’t necessarily have to wait for someone to make an XBOX/PS4 headset that works for you. I’m now sure how the current gen consoles do mics but when I was using my 360 it was really easy to plug any old headset with a micro plug into the controller. If they use bluetooth you can probably use any

So is the full show on there now because last time I tried to watch it on netflix it stopped a dozen or so episodes before the end of the show.

Damn you,... now I want one too.

edit: I’ve never thought about this kind of game before but it makes perfect sense. Something in the vein of TaleSpin or Porco Rosso would be a very fantastic world to get lost in.

I was thinking the exact same thing;
“here we go again.. O hey Mad Max, well I guess I’ll look that the rest of the list”

Related question, I remember seeing the Battle Angel Alita movie back in the 90s and being very intrigued but the interwebs was a bit spotty back then so I couldn’t deep dive into it. Recently I looked up the manga and read through what I could find online to the point where she defeats the worm head cyborg. That

As someone who was excited for Wasteland 2 and funded it I’m not really interested. I only got a few hours into 2 before I lost interest, I think my nostalgia was stronger than my actual desire. I’m not even sure what it was about the game that I didn’t really care for. I know that as my free time has gotten smaller I

ooh boy your assumptions are pretty far off with the WoW that is playable today. All of the classes have (again) been streamlined and tuned so that they fit their class theme or fantasy. So there are a lot less abilities shared between spec and you can switch between any of your classes specs at will now for free.