
Skyrim lost me too, I have enough hours into Skyrim to get the full Ebony armor (I think thats what it was) but I just couldn’t keep interest in it after a while, I think it was all the traveling. I say that but I’m also working through Witcher 3 and there is a ton of travel with that one too, and sooooo manny

I feel the same way, my name even comes from the original tactical Fallout games but I have never been able to get into the FPS versions as much as so many others have. That being said I am still kind of excited to see how Fallout 4 turns out. Sadly I think I’m starting to find more of an affinity for ‘on-the-rails’

Ya I forced myself to watch most of the first season and came to the conclusion that it had to be a stoner thing, I didn’t enjoy it in the least.

Its nice to have options but holy cow that is a lot of work, I guess I’ll stick to my bizzaro brisket slow cooked in my Weber.

You might be able to find something you like here;

Man I loved JRPGs so much when I was younger but I have had a really hard time finding any interest in any since FF9.

Yes, I needed to clarify, it was the perma-death that was too punishing for me to keep playing. I know many will bash us for changing the way the game is meant to be played but when I can die or beat most other rogue-likes in under an hour it’s too much for Don’t starve to last forever but delete your save on death.

Hmm, is it better or worse than what Shamalan did to “The Last Airbender”?

This was the problem I had with it, no save (which I am told has changed somehow?) and to really progress in the game you have to spend a ton of time which really stings when you eventually die.

I finally ran into a loss of return on an upgrade with my computer. I always built new computers with the (imo) best bang for the buck middle grade gear, but after purchasing my first core i5 instead of a budget AMD I was very impressed with the quality that a more expensive component added to my build. Well just last

Be careful if you start looking into the world of post processing effects (like SweetFX) you might end up in a world of trouble. Or, you will realize that there are many gaming enthusiasts that are better at tweaking games’ visual settings than the developers.

Make sure and check the flash sales every 12 hours, it is usually where the best sales are. Of course you could just wait for the final summary sale that they usually have and they bring back their best deals. Then again they might not do that this year so....

I’m with you on the graphics. Wasn’t really impressed but I’d rather they undersell than oversell and have it end up like The Witcher 3. I will say that if it ends up as fun as W3 then I don’t care at all if it looks like the Sims Armageddon.

Anyone else think the design makes it look a little like a post apocalyptic Sims? I’m not really impressed with the new look detail wise, but I do like the color and I’d rather they undersell the graphics engine then tweak it before release vs another Witcher 3 hype bubble.

Oh man, yes, the first bear I fought was very fun I can’t imagine fighting 2. The hardest enemy I have fought so far was a solder version of the insectoid, I couldn’t seem to dodge most of its attacks. Even rolling from its leap attack wasn’t enough to get me outside of its aoe.

I have found only one glaring issue that I keep running into with Witcher 3, the lock on system. It’s very possible that I’m doing it wrong but I keep locking onto the one guy that I want to take down only to have him slip away then the guy right next to me is kicking my A$$ while I’m stuck looking at the locked on

Dang it I still need to finish Blood dragon, Witcher 3, my replay of Batman Origins, Xcom, replay Dishonored with all the DLC (bought it after playing a stolen version), etc, etc,......

Good points all,

Don’t forget they have been working on this for years so they probably didn’t know about the new 52 stuff.