
I agree with you till you get to the Witcher 3 point. Going back through the first 3 I’m finding there is a lot of detail in the side quests and overall game that I missed my first time through. You really have to slow down a bit and talk to all the characters and read the journal stuff to get it all, unfortunately it

I’ve been replaying the first 3 and they are still just as fun as ever, maybe even more enjoyable as I get better at the combat. The better you get at the combat the more I feel like a bada$$, or at least it’s more satisfying. I actually even enjoy the rating system a bit more in Origins.

I dunno, watching this clip it looks like the glide capabilities of the cape have been improved and the combat has even been improved with some better grappling and tosses.

Ya this confuses me a little too, There doesn’t really seem to be any guidance for how to progress through areas. I hit level 3 doing everything there was in the ‘intro’ area and now in Velen I’m just starting the main storyline and I keep running into areas where the enemies are 3x my level. I’ve found that I can

My take on it is that the Witchers created this code of conduct because of the way they have been treated in the past. Geralt specifically states that their code requires them to recieve some sort of compensation for their work, and really some money or goods are pretty small in scale when life is on the line. I think

I personally couldn’t get into the first two games, I tried a couple of times with W2 but my lack of free time being what it is I had to move on. I just started W3 last night and it seems better so we’ll see if it can keep me engaged.
There are a couple of things to keep in mind, and this is my personal

It’s unfortunate then that they game had to be hamstrung (visually) so that it would work better across the board. I have hope that some super motivated nerd will release a mod that will give it back its original luster. I am increasingly amazed at the enthusiasts that “fix” games after the fact all the time these

Does this still work for men? I’m trying to grow my hair out mostly just to try it before my hair line turns me into a monk, and damn this ‘awkward’ in between stage is killing me.

My wife originally wanted to be an OB doc but after a while came to the conclusion that it would take like 12 years, tons of $$, and really make it hard to be a Mom so she went the PA route.

The only thing wrong with Rage was that they ended it at what seemed like the middle of the game, it was a blast.

The problem with movies for nerds is that in general we are thinkers and problem solvers so in the end we will over think everything. This leads to the a situation where the more anal of us get our superhero panties in a twist and b#$ch about one thing or another. IMO the Marvel movies are just plain fun and generally

Well, then Its probably another case of marketing trickery. I know that deadendthrills.com has some amazing screenshots taken in all sorts of games but he admits that those games are not playable at all with those settings.

Yikes those images look like the promotional material was done on a maxed out development PC and then played on a last gen console!! Are all the images supposed to be from a PC?

Even so I think I’d prefer my dishes smell like lemon than vinegar.

This is how I look at DLC, maybe even a step further, by the time most DLC comes out I’m usually burned out on the game.

Great article, it was just what I needed to get my lazy butt in gear and set up a proper viewing experience on my PC. I went with the “Go Further” section and installed MPC with MadVR and there is a HUGE difference in quality with my downloaded videos. It did take me quite a while to get everything working but in the

This isn’t a new app is it? Your just highlighting the one that has been in the app store for a while right?

Isn’t that what the Batman v Superman movie is for? Regardless, if they can have a BvS movie they can do pretty much anything with Batman.

Too bad I can never find a deal on a DSL modem. With my luck if one went on sale centurylink wouldn't support it anyway.

Too bad I can never find a deal on a DSL modem. With my luck if one went on sale centurylink wouldn't support it

My favorite is what I call banana pancrepes;