
Sonofa.. I knew it would show up once I claimed it was missing X(

I saw no mention of Super Mario RPG so this infographic is total crap (mostly /s)

Bobsplosion mentioned it above but I thought I should bring it up with a question for everyone else.

Awesome, thanks for the clarification, that makes much more sense.

Weird, they were teens in the game too. Honestly this kind of ruins it for me (maybe it's because I'm married), because the primary components of a successful marriage are mental/emotional commitments. So in my mind once they had made that commitment in the game, which the story made out to be this super important and

Why would you want to replace the OS on your X? From my understanding the Moto X is still going strong comparable to any of the latest devices out. I guess I can understand the lure of tinkering with ones electronics but generally I don't mess with my phone if its working correctly, it has become a bit to integral to

I usually pick the gender of my character based on the role. So in WoW my priest, mage, and warlock are female but every other class is male.

I only watched the anime so I'm kind of confused. After they got married in the game, and subsequently beat the game, I thought that they were trying to get back together in real life? Last I remember was that they were all in a school together trying to figure out their lives. So does the manga just toss out their

I would actually say that your being pretty conservative with your estimates as well.

Thanks, for some reason I thought it was a download game.

Have they had any free weekends? I'd love to try it without buying first seeing as I have waaay too many games to work through.

Agreed, I would also suggest that you could buy shower rod or towel rod that is generally hollow for the same purpose. You can get the both in an assortment of finishes and colors from chrome to brushed nickel, etc.

I think the most important thing that Inafune has done here is to actually give the fans what they have been asking for. Many people have wanted a new Mega Man game for years and Capcom has ignored that while also refusing to let Inafune work with his original creation.

"Significantly" is rather subjective. With all electronics the cooler you can keep it the better it is, that's why most servers are in an air conditioned climate controlled room. For personal use if your not messing with clocks or pushing your unit to the limit with video editing/processing/etc you should be fine with

Thanks for your input. I think I have had kind of the inverse of your experience. I was totally hyped for the game until I got into the beta now I'm more, meh.

Just curious, what did you see in the beta that sold you on it? I got into the PC beta and while the game play was fun I didn't see enough content that convinced me I would enjoy doing the similar old run and gun. I specifically referring to the fact that there are only a few guns and titans to play with. I think

Yes, exactly. It seems like a really good way to make a series of Thief games. They are all part of the same guild and all called Garrett so that they can't be singled out. Or you can just say when one "retires" another one takes their place.

Stop, Just... STOP!..... I don't know where to throw my monies =(

Not sure if someone thought of this already but I didn't want to scroll through the wall of replies.

@Jesse Mrozowski - need the sand but not sure for what - I'm sure you have a pair of chisels that could use a nice new edge on them or anything with a point, blade, edge, that could be sharpened.