
My wife and I have been using coconut oil, grass fed butter, and heavy cream/half &half (instead of milk) for the last few years and we both have amazing cholesterol. Last time my wife had her blood work done the doctor said it was incredible and wished she had that good of cholesterol.

About Rage, I really enjoyed the game and even my wife who is not a gamer played through a good majority of it. The only part that let me down was the ending, it just seemed like an afterthought. It looked great, it played great, the crafting was fun and so was the racing. I feel like they could take what they learned

Everyone is going to have a different experience, while my old Hanz was still working it looked great, had 1920x1200 rez, and no dead pixels. I went and picked up a Planar and sent back the first one they sent me because of dead pixels and decided to keep the second one with one dead/stuck pixel. Not sure about your

I do Crossfit so that its fast and focused with like minded people that support me and an instructor watching me to make sure I'm doing the movements right.

I would really suggest trying out some different options first, I think you'll get major eye strain from using a TV all day. For "lots of reading and writing" you will be staring intently at the screen for long periods of time and generally TV's aren't going to display text as sharply as Monitors.

Don't forget that Monoprice is now selling 27" and 30" versions of the Apple cinema display for ~$400 - $700. They are obviously very stripped down and not as high quality but for many people it won't matter. I've certainly bought my fair share of Hanz-g and Dell crap over the years that don't look anywhere near as

I just use a salad spinner to wash all my veggies then stick em in a ziplock and that usually lasts for a week or more.

THIS! you get to the new town meet the "real" enemy and boom its over.. I was so confused.

Well, I did eventually warm up to the first show and I really do appreciate the universe and want there to be more material I just never had the same experience I did with the original. It's probably because the movie came out when I was in my teens and it's always hard to find that initial sense of wonder again.

That makes sense, it never really seemed to fit in with the movie at all. It felt like a slap in the face to me.

I never even thought of that but your right, at least the art direction and gameplay is similar. Too bad your character is a total pus compared to Gutz.

I haven't been able to really enjoy anything Stargate related since the original '94 film. The original has such appeal and the actors did such an amazing job that I had a really hard time when they replaced everyone for the TV show. I realize that its unrealistic to even hope for A list actors to switch to TV

that was awesome thank you for sharing it.

Overall I found the game pretty lackluster but there were a few moments of "holy cow that was awesome!" Those were scripted moments but still they did a good job with some of the quests. Everyone has to make a choice whether a game is redeemable in one way or another, as in - I really enjoyed the gameplay of Far Cry 3

Ha I remember people LFR in chat but unless the person was relatively well known it never worked out on my server. I quit right before they started the queue system for raids but with my experience from random heroics I didn't have a lot of faith in the new system.

Ohh man gearscore, I totally forgot about that such a pain in the A#$! I remember going to raids with crap gear (because I didn't have the time to raid more than 1-2x a month) and out dpsing people with double my score, It was so freaking annoying.

It sounds like the writer is in a similar situation as myself, I haven’t played WoW in over a year and I often miss it. I had not been able to find a decent guild since vanilla and I have no friends on my server anymore (I’m not even sure that any of my old guildies still play) and I don’t have the time or the

I don't see what all the fuss is about, the game looks great, the character/s are actually developing and Isaac isn't running scared anymore. After so many encounters with anything most people start to change how they react and I like to see the main character empowered. Of course I also liked Alien Resurrection and

It may not have a whole lot going on server side but I think they are making it so that it will be very boring without server content. They are really pushing MMO style interactions between cities and areas along with smaller building zones (no mega cities), so offline will probably be miserable.

YES! Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore = my best childhood gaming memories.