I agree with you here I don't think your artistic talents qualify you as a furry, not when it has been a lucrative and legitimate career choice since Disney.
I agree with you here I don't think your artistic talents qualify you as a furry, not when it has been a lucrative and legitimate career choice since Disney.
Thank you for the article, it was a very interesting read. Unfortunately like many of the comments have pointed out, it only takes one bad furry to ruin it for a non-furry. I have a pretty close knit group of friends and one of the newer additions to our group married a guy that is around 8 years younger than most of…
I know what you mean, my wife is in PA school and she has thought about things like this as well. Someone gave her a really good tip though.. Make sure your wife puts everything she makes, has, or thinks about in your name. That way, if they do attempt to sue her and take her money/stuff they can't because she has…
Saw it, used it, like it (on Chrome). I wouldn't mind a few more of those when comparisons are available. Using sliders are lots of fun when there are glaring differences, like any PC game with PhysX vs the console equivalent.
I couldn't stand it either, I really give it a chance but just was never able to get into them. My biggest problem was the awful controls, but I will agree that most people did seem to like the series.
I'm with you, I love my DeathAdder. I was pretty sad when recently the scroll wheel click stopped working but I found a post that talked about how the innards can get pretty gunked up after years of use so I opened mine up, cleaned it with some good ole goof off and its good as new! Having to use a simple logitech…
Remember the good ole days when you and your buddies could crowd around your TV and play 4 player split screen? I like that game developers are figuring out ways to better utilize the existing hardware for graphical improvement but I miss multiplayer on one console.
Ya, that was my point, the writing for his character was horrible. From all the real life video I've seen of him he seems to be a likable guy and they were able to show that in Being Human, along with all the other main characters.
Thats a good point to make, I have found similar results in Borderlands 2. Obviously B2 looks amazing on PC with nvidia physx turned on (I'm actually running physx with my Radeon 5770 and it still works), but the 360 actually lowers the visual effects further to compensate for split screen. The most obvious difference…
I whole heartily second the US version of Being Human. I actually had reserves at first because I wasn't very fond of Sam Witwer's role on Smallville but his role in Being Human is just excellent and really allows him to create a great character.
I don't remember the original trailer but I did not enjoy FC2 so wasn't expecting too much from FC3. That said, I am really enjoying FC3, it certainly isn't perfect but I've enjoyed customizing my character via the skill and weapon upgrades. Someone once said its like Skyrim with guns and vehicles and I would call…
From what I've read the multiplayer is nothing to write home about so, with that in mind. Please highly consider picking this up for PC, it looks amazing and with a halfway decent video card runs smooth as butter. I'm running this on a old Radeon 5770 and it is doing great at high settings.
I think a lot of people think that you are talking about how the game runs on the PC, but your talking about the mechanics that they designed for the game. I agree it is really slow compared to a lot of games now days, and I think it comes down preference. Skyrim is supposed to have this "realistic" fantasy feel to it…
Ugh, ya, I'm a little annoyed with the stealth aspect also after finishing up Dishonored where the stealth was near perfect. I hate that there is no way to hide bodies other than the drag skill you can upgrade to which gives you an extremely slow and awkward backpedal. If you don't hide the bodies and one of the other…
I'm loving Far Cry 3 on my PC, it is definitely a beautiful game, looking forward to some good desktop backgrounds from it. I'm playing it on a 3yo Radeon 5770 on high and its flawless. The one problem I'm having with the game so far is how annoying it is to get into and out of the crafting/skill menus (esc, enter,…
Ohh, I highly second Berserk and Claymore if you haven't checked those out I actually haven't caught up on Berserk in a while. I also highly recommend MushiShi and Spice & Wolf, both amazing story lines/characters. Anything studio Ghibli is awesome and go watch Cowboy Bebop now. I also enjoyed Read or Die, there is a…
I've been really enjoying my "no kill" play through so far, I just finished up the 6th mission and I get the feeling the Sh$t is about to hit the fan. My one major problem, and I've heard this from others, is that they really don't do much to promote the low chaos route. Essentially there are only 3 skills to level up…
Lol, thats perfect and sadly I imagine quoting Simpsons kind of dates us too.