
ehhhh, makes me wish it was Prodigy instead...

I guess we are, I grew up (mid/late 90's) loving Techno/electronic/trance etc and everyone hated it, and then people started to accept it (I don't actually remember the acceptance phase being that big), now its.... this, I guess. My sister in law is 22 and she loves it but every time I hear it all I can think is "is

If money wasn't an issue I would go with;

I would look into getting one of these - http://www.overclock.net/t/1225919/yamakasi-catleap-monitor-club. The equivalent of retina display in a 28" monitor for a fraction of the price.

I would love to see a reboot also but I would agree that it would probably ruin the game. Maybe its a nostalgia affect but Japanese sequels/reboots always seem so disconnected from the originals to me. It may also be that some of those early games required us to use our imaginations to a degree to flesh out the

I would encourage you to go back to the Walking Dead TV show season 3 has gone far and beyond anything they have done in the first two season and should not be missed. I read the comics too and I honestly think the TV writers are saying, "Ohh ya you think you know how this is going to happen, 'snicker, snicker', well

Also check out Iron brigade www(dot)ironbrigadegame(dot)com

check out Orcs must Die. I've only played the first one so I can't comment on the second but it was definitely a fun take on tower defense.

check out spice bandits, gem keeper, geoDefense and geoDefense swarm even though the geo games are iphone only they should be find blown up on a larger screen.

Interesting read, thanks Stephen.

I've never seen or even heard the original... I think, and I can't imagine how any other lyrics would even work with those visuals.

I think you answered your own unstated question. They aren't doing well because for some reason what they have just isn't enough to keep subscribers. I think it's fair to say its not addictive enough, back when I was playing WoW it didn't matter that I didn't have enough time or enough money, etc.

ha, thats funny, my bad then.

You probably should let us know what headset you are actually using just in case is interested. I'm using the PX5 which was supposed to be for the PS3 mainly but I use it with my PC and Xbox. The funny thing is that I usually just plug my Sennheiser headphones into the 3.5mm audio out jack because they are a little

I wonder how much creative license Nintendo actually has on the game. It always seemed like a very true to form Mario game to me, I would think they'd have most of the rights to it.