
Is it bad I'm vaguely more intrigued by this than the vita? Just think of NES emulators...

I prefer Calabi-Yau manifolds.

This is my game for the weekend. #finals

Heh, asshat.

Collisions are always in vacuum, to ensure the particles only collide with the other beam, and not other debris. Cosmic ray detectors, usually called bubble champers, though, are usually liquid; they wever very popular before colliders became feasible.

The internet.

Yeah, people suck like that.

As seen here:

They're not collided in liquid, but in a magnetic field... But yes, they still spiral and stuff.

Rumor has it its sitting at 126 or so GeV... Which is oddly light (it was "supposed" to be at 150 GeV*).

The irony of you posting that on the internet amazes me...

Ok, cleanup time. This is, rumor has it, a 2.4-sigma event... Which is great, except its probably a statistical fuckup. There are billions and billions of collisions happening at the LHC; I saw the CMS charts yesterday (I think the ones I saw may be a month or so old, but the point stands), and there are only a

Fair enough.

... What? "Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?" et al. don't ring any bells?

"Greek sculptor" should be "Roman orator" unless your trying to troll.

"One drawback" maybe?

Except there's no indication which is 6 and which is 12, which, when compounded with the lack of knobs on the side, makes it invariant under rotations of 180 degrees... Which I think is part of the design.

Thankyouthankyouthankyou for not comparing it directly to the iPhone for anything other than size. This is how reviews should be: discussing the phone on its own merits, not that of its competition.

Fair enough, I guess... Having never looked into how one would go about replacing the back of an iphone, I can't really comment... That having been said, although it does look vaguely Jobs-ish, I don't think there's sufficient evidence to say it was modded.

There are clearly cracks running through the damn apple, hence distortion. Also, I find it highly unlikely that switching out a piece of class would make it go boom.