
Yeah, but going for 7 screwed him over, hence causing 8 and failing. In either event, 7 wasn't particularly lucky/powerful.


Tried that already. Didn't work so well.

I still like the original one best, although this is better than the current one.

In Oblivion, I hoarded gold- I walked with upwards of 150k on me, and had more buried away. Unfortunately, I can't do that in the real world, so no Skyrim for me yet...

If I understand correctly (disclaimer: haven't actually read anything on this device past this article) their lasering the atoms individually to directly transfer the KE... The temperature bit is a statistical phenomenon; it only comes into play when large areas are energized. Just as I can shine light on a metal and

Don't like Corvettes; this is the nicest American car I've ever seen.

I'm a rabid member of PETA- people for the eating of tasty animals, that is... Its a videogame people, lighten the hell up...

I played this at E3... Best game I played, by far.

I hate COD, not for the game itself (which I think is pretty meh), but for what it represents for gaming: massive industrialization. Its a yearly crank-out; Activision doesn't need to think to crap out a new COD. Its the same engine, with a pretty cookie-cutter plot, and reused multiplayer. Nearly gone are the days of

Totilo totally looks like Molyneux.

I can afford it, but... Does anyone really need that many pixels in a camera?

Wow... That's still a complete waste of money.

iOS user: APPLE, Y U NO FIX?

Newton's third law. Works every time. This asshole needs to fry.

Ahh, but that's not what the review says. "This is the phone to buy, for most people. Not if you have an iPhone 4, but for everybody else" is clearly not the same as "this is the best phone for the average consumer." One is a clear demonstration of an irrational fanboyism, and the other is a well-qualified

Fry this asshole.

I'm not saying it is or isn't. I don't have one, and don't intend to get one, so I can't say. What I can say, however, is that this article doesn't live up to the standard of biased reporting and open-mindedness expected of respected publications.

Not that kind of journalistic-ethics bias; that I couldn't care less about, especially considered its handled by corporate, not reporters. I'm talking about the review clearly being an iOS fanboy.

Trust me, I'm well aware. Statements like "it's taken nearly five years for other phone software to even come close," though, go a little past opinion and into sheer fanboyism. The fact is, in several key areas Android has been on par or better to iOS: multitasking (which IIRC Android had before iOS) comes to mind, as