
Yo I've never heard of this before!!!  It sounds like it's time for another deep dive!

I’m calling it: the twist will be that this movie is a DIRECT SEQUEL to Space Cowboys

As A Muslim and daily Jalopnik reader, The moment I saw the word “Hajj”/”Muslim” and then Mothereffin SaUdI aRaBiA, I knew the comment section would go to complete shit. I was right.

Picard being mopey post-Romulus got me like 50% interested in this show, but Picard meeting a bunch of other ex-Borg, after they’ve all had 20 years among humans to deal with that trauma? That is an inspired storytelling choice, and (in my mind, in advance) gives the show a potentially fantastic narrative reason to

My only worry is that this may make them too busy to get their Rivers of London show made, which they're working on (though wouldn't star in, I presume, given no major characters resemble them). 

He lives up Summer Street with his mum and his sister.

those guys.. always make me smile.

I saw the GIF of the C130 above the forest and I had flash backs to getting lectured on what to do in the case of a tree landing after jumping out of one. Also what to do if the C130 you are in is getting ready to crash and you have a parachute on. Which is Jump out and let the Air Force guys deal with the crash.

Dibs on Prince’s guitar.

Was his name Tom Sawyer? Did he also have a fence that needed painting but which was so much fun to do that he just had to share the job with you..?

They still run the classic cars during race weekends!

This trailer was good enough, good enough for me...

Basically this. If you take quality out of it, Evo. But if you include it (and you should) STi all day long.

Can I choose both? I respect both lineages so deeply. So much so that I am choosing not to vote... However, I do drive a WRX...

Because no one really bought the manual ATS-V and honestly no one is probably going to buy these cars either.

16 years is impressive. I DD’d my IX for 10 years and 170K miles before finally changing. I miss that car but after a beater sonata, I just picked up a Jaguar XE with one of the main selling points being the steering reminded me soooo much of the evos.

totally agree!

Can someone do a story on the Evo? I need to know how little old Mitsubshi was cranking out one of the most fun cars at the time

This Fun Fact is widely known, but the lead photo illustrates it very well: the Falcon’s cockpit is modeled on the B-29 bomber.

NASA wasn’t going to approve the D2 for powered flight because the system required landing pads that would come out of the ablative heat shield. Although now that would be vastly less of a concern because seems SpaceX has figured out how to make an active-cooling stainless steel hot-frame (which actually depended on a