
Personally, I think that D2 was designed for powered ground landing, not ocean dunking. (D1 was designed for ocean recovery so...*shrug*) Odds are that sea water infiltrated the mechanical spaces and corroded the piping leading from the COPVs to the engines (and may have even caused issues with the COPVs themselves).

Awesome that this is making the mainstream press. The exploration diver in the shots (Beto Nava) was my scuba instructors back in the day.

It’s a damn good movie for it’s time and very “Star Trek” like in its moral debates.

I see you're thinking about it. Know what you gotta do? Stop thinking about it.

I’m decidedly in the dont care to think about it too hard camp as it’ll just annoy me. I loved Endgame and I play on keeping it that way so I wont nitpick every single thing.  Its easier to enjoy life that way.

That’s what I figured- time-travel cap sat back and watched the Battle of New York being fought by his (chronologically younger) self.

I liked the idea that Future Cap had gotten back into the past and was quietly sitting out everything that happened with his past younger self (or at least deliberately evading it) until reappearing at the end a la The Final Countdown or any number of other time travel movies. Also, that the husband Peggy Carter

It’s a fake-out. He says he’s Khan for most of the movie, but 50 minutes in, he is revealed to be Boba Skyvader, Rey’s REAL dad, and also, coincidentally, Anakin Skywalker’s dad too. Also, he’s immortal, and he has turned an entire planet into a lightsaber with but ONE weakness.

This made me want to share mine. I was attending my second-ever San Diego Comic-Con, and my friend and I learned that the Avengers cast would be there to do a signing at the Marvel booth to promote Age of Ultron.

The Marvel booth is already notoriously hard to get a signing for, let alone for something as big as the

The first Iron Man was a great start to the MCU, proving that MArvel could be something special on screen. Favorite moment was Tony busting out of the cave it the proto-Armor and blowing shit up.

As they stated multiple times in the movie, the stones were from an alternate timeline. Everything that happened in Infinity War still happened in the main timeline, the alternate timeline will progress differently because their Thanos is dead, but the one we’ve been watching still happens. So Vision is still dead

Or some other native species, like the Duloks.

Is Hawaiian even relevant to these rankings? They have such a different business model, to compare them to other carriers seems odd. They should be crushing it given their less intensive route map, connections, etc.

Most studios don’t, even for the most revered film and TV, it’s too expensive to keep them housed correctly. Crazy expensive.  (Speaking from experience 😂)

I get it. But outside of the DareDevil suit nothing was that spectacular or even really that unique. Maybe the Iron Fist mask? But Luke cage wore jeans, t-shirt and hoodies. Jessica Jones wears jeans, boots and a leather jacket.

That K Car has seen better days.

That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing them :-)

I also live relatively close to Gwinnett Place. It’s certainly run down enough to be used in Stranger Things.

They got those times wrong. 1980s Indiana no way that mall was open past 8 on the weekdays and MAYBE 9 on Sat, and certainly not 7:30 on Sunday.

The wife was on set for over three months. She’s featured in a handful of scenes in this trailer. Suffice to say, there’s destruction in spades, both inside the mall and out.