
I still don’t understand that nihilist viewpoint regarding the OT trio’s fates post RotJ. Nothing they did was a failure simply because a new set of films carried their stories further. They achieved their successes and suffered their failures in their lives as every single person does. If anything it grounds their

I wasn’t thrilled by the new movie (as a movie, not as a Star Wars story - I’m not one of those nutters screaming about removing it from the canon). But I do enjoy how the new movies seem to be giving a much tighter focus on the ordinary people of the rebellion and empire. Finn is a grunt who just happens to be in the

“I hate everything!”

I love that you have WW2-era bombing missions with slow bombers with ball turrets that have to overfly a target and drop hundreds of munitions straight down, as if “down” has a meaning in space.

I had a feeling fans were gonna dislike it, because the entire theme of the movie is “Star Wars is for kids, the kids of today deserve their own Star Wars, we aren’t just going to shamelessly appeal to nostalgia anymore”

Spaceship becomes an iron.

Too bad those overhead wires are hideous and cause delays. I wonder if there is a long term plan to move to isolated electric and remove them (and somehow the buses still “look” dirty and diesel powered).

This came back home from my son Otto’s first-grade class. It was a Thanksgiving assignment, where he had to write what he was thankful for.


Not to mention driving an NSX is a worry free experience. Shit, my last set of ultra high performance summer tires set me back $75.80 each to be exact.

Everyone knows steam power is too inefficient for space flight.

Some space-history book I read recently—maybe The Right Stuff, or maybe Gene Krantz’s Failure is Not an Option—discussed how the original astronauts were all test pilots, and were therefore engineers, either by training or predisposition, and were tinkerers. They all worked on and modded their own cars, and tended to

Not seeing the issue. I’m a Purdue engineering graduate...


anybody else quit the show after the first few episodes this season and just show up to io9 for a recap to save time?

I doubt the bed will have exposed carbon fiber. I’m guessing this will be a sandwich composite with an outside armor-layer that is made from a more impact-resistant material.