
I love the look on the girl’s face while driving the sleigh around. “Where’s that damn Olaf? Goin’ to run over his annoying ass.”

That was a awesome video...thanks for posting up...(choosing a lancia scorpion / montecarlo as a build would cost a tenth as much today ...but the 6 cylinder 911 rally car wouldn’t be the tits.

Well, the Falcon would not just be an artifact for Kylo Ren, it would be his birthright. Probably like he believes the lightsaber is his birthright as well.

Disney needs to make a tween Princess Leia movie before Millie Bobby Brown is too old to play the part:

He’s not such a bad pilot, you know!

Shout out to Tartakovsky, who gave us the sound of rain falling on lightsaber on Clone Wars

For anyone who hasn’t seen Rian Johnson’s first film, Brick, I highly recommend it. It’s a film noir with a high school setting...but all the dialogue is deliberately structured as if it takes place in the ‘40s, which makes it all the more surreal. It feels like an episode of Twin Peaks crossed with Veronica Mars and

How you feel about this will largey depend on if you are already paying for cable. If you already have a high end cable package you will be really upset that you have to buy some other subscription. Especially if you are a business and would probably have to procure separate licensing or permission to view the

And can eek out 30MPG on the highway in good conditions.

No one recommended a minivan? Let’s be honest... It’s the most practical. New Caravan could be had for that money, or used Odyssey. I wonder what kind of cash KIA is putting on the hood of the Sedona. Older, cheaper, and possibly too small would be the Mazda5. It would be more efficient, though.

I don’t understand how this was able to happen. I used to be in fabrication. I would personally do hardness tests on the material. We know that the supplier screws up, or tries to fuck you by passing along out of spec stock as good, and we also know our purchaser screws up, trying to save a buck usually, or buying the