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Recently saw a great interview of Nicholas Meyer recounting directing Shatner and Montalban

The people of Atlanta are still really sensitive about Sherman jokes... I know this because I make them constantly.

My grandfather, Robert Coleman, went down on the Indianapolis and was one of the fortunate survivors. He has since passed but before he did he shared with me how harrowing the experience was; he had two close friends who were killed by the sharks in front of him.

The brilliance of early Spielberg? The scene were Roy has not yet made the connection between the shape that he was building and Devils Tower. In the background, a loony toons cartoon is playing as Roy wrestles with his demons. And that Ah-Hah moment, where Roy starts to lean in and make the connection, the cartoon -

#MessageToVoyager: Fernando is faster than you. Can you confirm you understood that message?

From what I’ve seen the marshals do a good job with what they have. I think the problem often comes down to sight-lines. My guess is the track becomes a lot less financially viable if they place a marshal every place they need to in order to flag every blind corner as soon as an incident happens.

So reported details are still kinda sketchy, but from the video it seems to me like the initial crash as a result of the spill was just 2 or 3 cars, and the rest is mostly a result of people coming in hot with disabled cars on the track that I assume they were unaware of because the ‘ring has notoriously hard to see

I’m an unapologetic fan of dark green cars but there are good dark greens and bad dark greens on cars and there’s a really fine line in between them. Unfortunately, this is a bad dark green. There’s just too much blue in it. I don’t like the really blue/teal greens. Toyota’s spruce green mica on the other hand is

Worse writers have crashed more expensive cars. I am sure it happens more than we get to read about.

I’d be okay with a sequel to the movies. I had a crush on Wednesday because of Values (and that scene in particular), and Christina Ricci only managed to get hotter since then.

Putting feet on dashboard preventative.