
‘40's human time suuuuucks.

Hawkeye had the best Avengers line ever.

I can’t see there anymore than 10 - 15 000 of these horseless carriages ever being in the country.

Pet peeve: nobody would make an automated truck as a big cube like in Logan. It’s a terribly unaerodynamic shape; there’d be a bubbly/wingy/diffusery thing on the front to decrease wind resistance.

Actually, I thought the trucks from Logan were genius, since they expanded on the whole “container shipping” trend. In the concept art, you can see how the whole thing was built to be a “sled” for a standard container to snap into. The “autonomous” module at the front, etc. was very much in line with the

I don’t know to me it pretty much looks exactly like the trucks in Logan except slightly more creases

20,000 years into the future, you say? Space-faring race, are we? Still fighting with rockets and assault rifles, eh? Shame, such a shame.

I can’t wait to see what this map looks like in 25 years. If I’ve done my job right, it’ll all be E30s, Fox Mustangs and 240SX drift cars.

They are testing the waters for a Sequel. Mark my words.

I think you misspelled Darcy. She is the only one worthy of Myuh-myuh in the MCU.



I just hope it’s the Mini being traded and not the Evo!

A white Sienna with nice wheels, ever so slightly lowered and dark glass is a looker. I’m not even kidding. It’s fairly badass.

I will never forget the sad day when they posted the nutritional information on the Costco Maple Nut Muffins. One muffin= 96o calories, 56 grams of fat. So basically one large muffin can feed a family of four.

Six seats right here!

Don’t look at the nutritional info on the Costco hot dogs. You don’t need to know.

Well, it is a hot dog...