
When in danger and in doubt, run in circles! Scream and shout!

You can get laid in any car. Just aim lower.

Came here for cockpit pictures, felt cheated.

When my wife and I were at pikes peak a few years back we ran into the Top Gear USA crew shooting there with that insane Bisimoto Odyssey Rutledge was driving. If you’re going to take a minivan up there, it may as well have a thousand horsepower.

And what does Bernie think about this?

No it is not.

Looks like the Russians are innocent.

The closing shot if Ep. IX will be Rey and Finn standing side by side looking out on the Coruscant horizon as buildings come crumbling down. Set to the tune of “Where is my mind?”.

Tattooine is actually Earth in the far, far future. They take a quick trip back there and find the Statue of Liberty half buried in the sand.

Huh, these metallurgy labs have been used in aircraft accident investigations forever. I’m surprised ECR does this in house instead of contracting to a company like EAG.

I agree that this creates a yearn for more Tron. But Legacy was pitch perfect and brought over everything that made the first movie great... that’s why it was a financial failure.

Streetcars are not a publicity stunt. They can be effective and very easy to use mass transit that typically have higher new ridership points than buses.

Airlines are going to fight it - they don’t want hundreds of lithium ion batteries in their cargo holds, nor do they want the liability of valuable electronics in checked bags.

A conversation between Thor and Drax will be memorable.

This is how I took it as well; they’ll just be heading back to it after the credits. They know where they left it.